From: Translation Bureau
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- a, an
- a-
- a-, an-
- ab-
- abbreviations: acronyms and initialisms
- abbreviations: ampersand
- abbreviations: business terms and symbols
- abbreviations: capitals and hyphens
- abbreviations: corporate names
- abbreviations: days and months
- abbreviations: degrees and distinctions
- abbreviations: general guidelines
- abbreviations: geographical names
- abbreviations: imperial system
- abbreviations: International System of Units (SI)
- abbreviations: latitude and longitude
- abbreviations: military abbreviations
- abbreviations: monetary units
- abbreviations: netspeak
- abbreviations: number symbols
- abbreviations: parts of a book or document
- abbreviations: periods
- abbreviations: plurals
- abbreviations: scientific and technical terms
- abbreviations: time zones
- abbreviations: titles with personal names
- abeyance, hold in abeyance
- abide, abide by
- about, approximately, approximately about, around, roughly, roughly about
- above-mentioned, aforementioned
- abreast, keep abreast of
- absolute phrases
- absolutely essential
- abstain, abstain from, abstain in, abstain on
- accede to
- accord (of one’s own)
- accordance, according to, in accordance to, in accordance with
- according to our records
- accountable for, accountable to
- accuracy, precision
- accurate, precise
- acquiesce in, acquiesce to, acquiesce with
- act on, act upon
- action verbs
- active voice, passive voice, voice
- acu-
- addresses on envelopes and parcels (Linguistic recommendation from the Translation Bureau)
- addresses: official languages
- adequate amount of, adequate number of, enough
- adjective
- adjective clause
- adjective comparison
- adverb clause
- adverb comparison
- adverbs
- adverse, adverse to, averse to
- advice, advise
- aero-
- affect, effect
- Afghan, afghani, Pashto, Pashtun
- Afro-
- agenda, agendas
- aggravate
- aging, ageing
- agree on, agree to, agree with
- agreeable
- agro-
- Alberta, Alta., AB
- Albertan, Franco-Albertan
- all over again, again
- all ready, already
- all right
- all together, altogether
- all-time record
- alliteration
- allo-
- allow for, allow to, make allowance for
- allude, elude
- allusion, illusion
- almost without exception
- alternate(ly), alternative(ly)
- alumna, alumnus
- a mari usque ad mare
- ambi-
- American dollar (symbol) (Linguistic recommendation from the Translation Bureau)
- Americo-
- amount, number
- an abundance of
- analyze, analyse
- and so as a result
- and, as well as
- and/or
- Anglo- (combining form)
- anniversary, birthday
- answer for, answer to
- ante-
- anti-
- anticipate
- anxious about, anxious at, anxious for, anxious to
- any, every, no, some
- apostrophe: contractions
- apostrophe: plurals
- apostrophe: possession
- apparent, evident, obvious
- appear, seem
- appositives
- appraise, apprise
- approval of, approval to, approve, approve of
- aqua-, aqui-
- Arabo-
- arch-
- Armeno-
- around
- as a consequence of
- as a result of the fact that
- as far as
- ascend, ascent, assent
- aspire after, aspire to
- associate to, associate with
- assume, presume
- assure, ensure, insure
- asterisk at end of a sentence
- astro-
- Atlantic Daylight Time, Atlantic Standard Time, ADT, AST
- Atlantic provinces
- attention, attentive, attentiveness
- at that point in time, at this point in time
- audit and derived terms (Linguistic recommendation from the Translation Bureau)
- Austro-
- avenge, revenge, vengeance
- aware of
- Azerbaijani, Azeri
- back up, backup
- bad
- bad, badly
- bandwagon
- Batavo-
- BC, BCE, Before Christ, Before the Christian Era, Before the Common Era
- be-
- be advised that
- bear a resemblance to
- beaver fever, beaver-fever
- because of the fact that
- beg off
- beg the question
- begin at
- begin by
- begin from
- begin on
- begin to
- begin with
- begin, commence, start
- behaviour, behavioural, behaviourism
- Belgo-
- below, beneath, under
- benefit by, benefit from
- benefits to, benefits of, for the benefit of
- be of the opinion that
- Beothuk
- be prohibited from
- beside, besides
- beyond a shadow of a doubt
- beyond the realm of possibility
- bi-
- biannual, biennial, semi-annual
- bias
- biblio-
- bibliographies: arrangement
- bibliographies: articles
- bibliographies: author’s name
- bibliographies: books
- bibliographies: edition
- bibliographies: finding the information for an entry
- bibliographies: general
- bibliographies: order of precedence
- bibliographies: publishing information
- bibliographies: romanization
- bibliographies: secondary responsibility
- bibliographies: secondary source citations
- bibliographies: sources other than books and articles
- bibliographies: titles
- bibliographies: translation
- bibliographies: types of bibliography
- bibliographies: works in a series
- biceps
- billion, B (billion)
- biweekly, bimonthly, biannual
- black-and-white thinking, false dichotomy, false dilemma
- bloc, block
- book off
- born, borne
- braces
- breach, breech
- bread-and-butter
- bridgeable
- bring a charge against
- bring into question, call into question
- bring into the open
- bring pressure to bear on
- bring to a close, bring to a conclusion, bring to an end, bring to completion
- bring, take
- British Columbia, B.C., BC
- British Columbian
- broach, brooch
- broad, wide
- Bulgaro-
- Bungee, Bungi
- business letters: attention line
- business letters: block style
- business letters: body of the letter
- business letters: carbon copy notation
- business letters: complimentary close
- business letters: consistency
- business letters: date
- business letters: delivery (mailing) notation
- business letters: enclosure notation
- business letters: indent style
- business letters: inside address
- business letters: length
- business letters: letterhead
- business letters: margins
- business letters: name of person; title; name of organization
- business letters: postscript
- business letters: reference initials
- business letters: reference line
- business letters: salutation
- business letters: signature
- business letters: spacing
- business letters: subject line
- by (a specified time)
- by means of, means
- by reason of the fact that, by virtue of the fact that
- by, near
- caddy, caddie
- Caesar, Caesarean, Caesarism
- call a halt to, call an end to
- Calgarian, Calgary, Cowtown, Stampede City
- camomile, chamomile
- Canada Day, Dominion Day
- Canada, kanata
- Canadian dollar (symbol) (Linguistic recommendation from the Translation Bureau)
- Canadianisms: Prairies
- CANDU, Candu
- cannot, can not
- cantaloupe, cantaloup
- canvass, canvas
- capable of
- capacity for
- capital letters for emphasis
- capital, capitol
- capitalization of logos
- capitalization: astronomical terms
- capitalization: biological terms
- capitalization: buildings, monuments and public places
- capitalization: chemical and medical terms
- capitalization: compounds
- capitalization: copyrighted names
- capitalization: cultural periods, movements and styles
- capitalization: deities
- capitalization: family relationships
- capitalization: general points
- capitalization: geographical terms
- capitalization: governments and government bodies
- capitalization: headings
- capitalization: Indigenous person, Indigenous people, Indigenous People, Indigenous Peoples
- capitalization: initial words
- capitalization: institutions
- capitalization: languages
- capitalization: legal usage
- capitalization: lists
- capitalization: medals, awards, honours and decorations
- capitalization: member of Parliament
- capitalization: military terms
- capitalization: modes of transportation
- capitalization: names of First Nations
- capitalization: nationalities
- capitalization: parts of a book or document
- capitalization: personal names
- capitalization: personifications and abstractions
- capitalization: political parties and movements
- capitalization: publications and works of art
- capitalization: races, ethnicities
- capitalization: salutation and complimentary close
- capitalization: school subjects, courses and degrees
- capitalization: scientific names containing personal names
- capitalization: seasons
- capitalization: shortened titles
- capitalization: SI/metric units
- capitalization: single letters used as words
- capitalization: sporting events and trophies
- capitalization: terms indicating time or sequence
- capitalization: terms related to religion
- capitalization: time references, and historical periods and events
- capitalization: titles of office or rank
- capitalization: words derived from proper nouns
- carat, caret, carrot, karat
- Cariboo, caribou
- carousal, carousel, carrousel
- carry out an examination of
- cast, caste
- catalyze, catalyse
- cauldron, caldron
- censor, censure
- centi-
- Central Daylight Time, Central Standard Time, CDT, CST
- centre on
- chaperone, chaperon
- chapter and verse
- characteristic, distinctive, typical
- chargeable
- Charlottetonian, Charlottetown, Charlottetowner
- Chechen
- check in, check-in
- check, cheque
- chord, cord
- Christmas, Xmas, Nowel, Yule, Twelfth Night
- circum-
- cite, quote
- cite, sight, site
- classic, classical
- clear communication: choose positive over negative phrasing
- clear communication: coherence
- clear communication: overview of the writing process and techniques
- clear communication: polish your paragraphs
- clear communication: reduce redundancy
- clear communication: responsibilities of writers, editors and decision makers
- clear communication: simplify your sentences
- clear communication: transition words
- clear communication: turn nouns into verbs
- clear communication: use clear words and expressions
- clear communication: use the active voice
- clear communication: write clear and effective briefing notes
- clear communication: write relevant and effective emails
- clear verbal communication
- close proximity, in proximity to, proximity
- close scrutiny, scrutiny
- closure, cloture
- cluster together
- co-
- co-op, co-operate, co-operative
- collectible, collectable
- collocate, co-locate
- colon
- colour, colourful, coloration
- combat
- combine, combine together
- come as a disappointment
- comma after a clause acting as subject
- comma before because
- commas for clarity and emphasis
- commas for omitted words
- commas in a date
- commas in geographical names and addresses
- commas properly omitted
- commas with absolute phrases
- commas with adjective clauses
- commas with adverb clauses
- commas with appositives
- commas with coordinate elements, serial commas
- commas with direct address
- commas with interjections
- commas with introductory elements
- commas with names and titles
- commas with non-restrictive elements
- commas with parenthetic expressions
- commas with such as
- commas with tag questions
- commend for
- commensurate with
- common, mutual
- compare to, compare with
- compare, contrast
- compass points
- complement, compliment
- completely revolutionize, revolutionize
- complex sentence
- compliment on
- comply with
- compound personal pronouns
- compound sentences
- compound-complex sentence
- comprise, compose, constitute
- concern, concerned
- concur with, concur in
- conform to
- conformity with
- conjunctive adverb
- connoisseur, connaisseur
- consensus, consensus of opinion, general consensus
- consist in, consist of
- consistent with
- contend with
- continual, continuous
- contra-
- contrast with
- converge on
- conversant with
- coordinating conjunctions
- correlate with
- correlative conjunctions
- correlative conjunctions: both … and
- correlative conjunctions: either … or
- correlative conjunctions: neither … nor
- correspond to, correspond with
- could have, could’ve, could of
- council, councillor, counsel, counsellor
- counter-
- couple of, couple more
- cozy, cosy
- Croat, Croatian, Serb, Serbian, Serbo-Croatian, Bosnian-Croatian
- culminate in
- custom
- Cypro-
- dangling modifiers
- Dano-
- Dari, Farsi, Parsi, Persian
- Dari Persian, Tajik
- data
- date: numeric
- date: order of elements (Linguistic recommendation from the Translation Bureau)
- daylight saving time, daylight time, standard time, summer time
- de-
- De Beaujeu
- decided, decidedly, decisive, decisively
- decimate, decimation
- decision making, decision taking, decision-making, decision-taking
- decision (make a decision, take a decision)
- default on
- defective, deficient
- defence, defense, defensive
- defend against, defend from
- definite article with initialisms
- definite, definitive
- definitely, definitively
- delve into
- demi-
- demonstrative pronouns, demonstrative adjectives
- demonyms in Canada
- depart, depart for, depart from
- dependant, dependent
- deprecate, depreciate
- deprive of
- Deputy Governor General
- derivation of, derive from
- description, provide a description, describe
- desert, dessert, just deserts
- designate as
- di-
- dia-
- dialyze, dialyse
- differ from, differ in, differ with
- different from, different than, different to
- different, various
- dilemma
- direct object
- directly, as soon as
- dis-
- disagree, disagree about, disagree on, disagree over, disagree with
- disassociate from, dissociate from
- disc, disk
- discourage from, discouraged about, discouraged at, discouraged by, discouraged over
- discreet, discrete
- disinterested, uninterested
- dispense from, dispense to, dispense with
- divest of
- divide in, divide into, divide in half, divide in two
- doubt but that, doubt that
- downward tumble, tumble
- due to, owing to, because of, on account of
- during such time, during the time that, while
- dyeing, dying
- each
- Earth, earth
- Easter
- Eastern Daylight Time, Eastern Standard Time, EDT, EST
- eco, ecological, ecology, environment
- eco-
- economic, economical
- Edmonton, Edmontonian, Gateway to the North
- effect, into effect
- effective, efficient
- effusive, fulsome
- e.g., i.e.
- Egypto-
- elaborate, elaborate on
- elapsed time
- elegy, eulogy
- elicit, illicit
- eligible, illegible
- elite, elitist
- em-, en-
- email, emails
- email: advantages
- email: disadvantages
- email: introduction
- email: organizational guidelines
- email: presentation
- embark for, embark on, embark upon
- em dash
- emigrate, immigrate, migrate
- eminent, imminent
- enamoured of, enamoured with
- en dash
- endow, endow with
- energize, enervate
- enforceable
- enormity, enormous, enormousness
- envelop, envelope
- epi-
- equally, equally as, just as
- equinox, solstice
- et cetera, etcetera, etc.
- euro, EUR
- Euro-
- ex-
- except in the case of, with the exception of
- excessive number of, too many
- exclamation point
- excuse for, excuse from
- expatriate, ex-patriot
- expertise, expertize
- extra-
- extractable, extractible
- extranet, intranet
- face off, face-off, faceoff
- facilitate
- facilitator
- facsimile, fax
- fact, in fact, the fact that, as a matter of fact
- faculty
- fall, autumn
- false cause
- Famous Five
- farther, further, furthermore
- faulty comparisons
- faulty parallelism
- favour, favourable, favouritism
- faze, phase
- febri-
- feel bad, feel badly
- Fenno-, Finno-
- ferri-, ferro-
- few, a few, the few
- fewer, less, lesser
- fibre, fiber
- figuratively, literally, virtually
- Filipino, Pilipino, Tagalog
- financial, fiscal, fiscal year
- financing, funding
- First Nation(s) (Linguistic recommendation from the Translation Bureau)
- first two, two first
- first, firstly
- first, former, last, latter
- flack, flak, flak-catcher
- flair, flare, flare out, flare up, flare-up
- flammable, inflammable, non-flammable, non-inflammable
- flaunt, flout
- flesh out, flush out
- fleur-de-lys, fleur-de-lis
- flier, flyer
- flori-
- floriography, language of flowers
- flounder, founder
- flu, flue, influenza
- fluvi-, fluvio-
- focus
- follow up on, follow up with
- follow-up to
- following, in the wake of, as a result of, after
- foot (on, by)
- for the duration of
- for the reason that
- forbear, forebear
- forbid (someone) to
- fore-
- forecast
- forego, foregoing, foregone, forgo
- foreign imports, imports
- foreseeable
- foreword, preface
- forthwith
- forward, forwards
- fragment, sentence fragment
- Franco-
- Francophone, Anglophone
- Fredericton, Frederictoner, Frederictonian
- free from, free of
- free, for free, free of charge
- French, french
- French typography: abbreviations
- French typography: capitalization
- French typography: italics
- French typography: numerical expressions
- French typography: word division
- fruct-, fructi-
- fun
- future plans
- Gaelic
- gambit, gamut
- gastr-, gastro-
- gauntlet
- Gender-inclusive writing: Address the reader directly
- gender-inclusive writing: correspondence (Linguistic recommendation from the Translation Bureau)
- Gender-inclusive writing: Gender-inclusive nouns
- Gender-inclusive writing: Guidelines for translating from French
- Gender-inclusive writing: Guidelines for writing to or about non-binary individuals
- Gender-inclusive writing: Letters and emails
- Gender-inclusive writing: Omit the pronoun
- Gender-inclusive writing: Pluralize the noun
- Gender-inclusive writing: Repeat the noun
- Gender-inclusive writing: Rewrite the sentence
- Gender-inclusive writing: Use an article
- Gender-inclusive writing: Use sentence fragments
- Gender-inclusive writing: Use the imperative
- Gender-inclusive writing: Use the passive voice
- Gender-inclusive writing: Use the pronoun “one”
- Gender-inclusive writing: Use the pronoun “who”
- Gender-inclusive writing: Use the singular “they”
- gender, sex
- geo-
- geographical names: Indian reserves
- geographical names: national parks
- geographical names: scientific and geological names
- geographical names: translation
- geographical names: Treasury Board policy
- geographical names: types and composition
- geographical names: undersea features
- Germano-
- gerund, gerund phrase
- give consideration to, take into consideration
- glacio-
- glamour, glamorize, glamorous
- glyc-, glyco-
- good deal of
- good, goods
- got, gotten
- Government of Canada (Linguistic recommendation from the Translation Bureau)
- Governor General Designate
- graduate from, graduate in
- Graeco-, Greco-
- graffiti, graffito
- gram, g (gram)
- gramin-, gramini-
- grammar terms
- grapho-
- grasp of, have a grasp of
- greenwashing
- grey, gray
- grill, grille
- grisly, grizzled, grizzly
- Group of Seven, G7, G8, G20
- guarantee, guaranty, warranty
- gyro-
- hacker, cracker
- Haida
- hail, hail-fellow-well-met, hale, hale and hearty
- Halifax, Haligonian
- Halloween, Hallowe’en
- hang, hanged, hung
- Hanukkah
- hare-brained, hair-brained
- have no choice but to, have no option but to
- have the ability to, have the capability of, have the capability to
- head of government, head of state
- headquarter, headquarters, headquartered
- healthful, healthy
- hecto-
- height
- heli-
- helicopter view
- helio-
- hemi-
- hemo-, haemo-
- henceforth
- hepat-, hepato-
- hereby
- herein
- hereinafter
- hereof
- hereto
- heretofore
- hereunder
- herewith
- heter-, hetero-
- Hiberno-
- hiccup
- Hindi, Hindustani, Urdu
- hipp-, hippo-
- hireable, hirable
- Hispano-
- historic, historical
- hoard, horde
- hoi polloi
- homo-
- homographs, homonyms, homophones
- Hon., Honourable, Right Honourable, Rt. Hon.
- honor, honorary, honour, honourary
- hopefully
- hors d’oeuvre
- hoser, hosier, Hoosier
- however
- Hudson Bay, Hudson’s Bay
- humour, humourless, humorous, humorist
- Hungaro-
- hydr-, hydro-
- hydro, hydroelectric
- hyper-
- hyphens in number-plus-noun compounds
- hyphens: compound adjectives
- hyphens: compound nouns
- hyphens: compounds beginning with adverbs
- hyphens: fractions
- hyphens: introduction
- hyphens: nouns with adjectives and participles
- hyphens: nouns with gerunds
- hyphens: numbers and units of measurement
- hyphens: numerals and single letters
- hyphens: prefixes
- hyphens: pre-, post-
- hyphens: spelling and enunciation
- hyphens: suffixes
- hyphens: suspended compounds
- hyphens: titles of office
- hyphens: verbs
- hyphens: word division
- hypo-
- Ibero-
- ice, iced
- icono-
- ideal
- ideo-
- idioms: blue-sky
- idioms: get your ducks in a row
- idioms: hat trick
- idioms: in a jiffy
- idioms: pushing the envelope
- if and when, when and if
- if I was, if I were
- if not
- if, whether
- igni-
- ignitable, ignitible
- Île-à-la-Crosse
- illegal, illicit, unlawful
- immanent, imminent
- immune from, immune to
- impinge on, impinge upon
- imply, infer
- impress by, impress on, impress upon, impress with
- in all probability
- in conjunction with
- in connection with
- in consequence
- in contrast
- Indo-
- in excess of
- in receipt of
- in regard to, with regard to, as regards
- in spite of the fact that
- in the absence of
- in the amount of, in the sum of
- in the circumstances, under the circumstances
- in the event that
- in the near future
- in the neighbourhood of
- in view of the fact that
- in, into
- in-, il-, im-, ir-
- inasmuch as, insofar as
- incapable, incapable of
- incidence, incidents
- include, comprise
- Inclusionary: A collection of gender-inclusive solutions
- Inclusive writing – Guidelines and resources
- Inclusive writing: Background and principles
- Inclusive writing: Glossary
- Inclusive writing: Quick reference sheet
- Inclusive writing: Tailoring your message
- inclusive, inclusively
- inculcate, imbue, infuse, instil, instill
- indefinite pronouns
- indexes: abbreviations and other reference tools
- indexes: alphabetical arrangement
- indexes: blind references
- indexes: capitalization
- indexes: choice of terms
- indexes: combined entries
- indexes: complex entry
- indexes: continued headings
- indexes: cross-references
- indexes: definition
- indexes: double posting
- indexes: entry versus subentry
- indexes: geographical names
- indexes: government departments and agencies
- indexes: homonyms
- indexes: length
- indexes: listing of subentries
- indexes: newspapers and periodicals
- indexes: personal names
- indexes: referenced material
- indexes: scientific names
- indexes: scope and complexity
- indexes: simple entry
- indexes: syntax of heading
- indexes: “dangling” entries
- indifferent to, indifferent toward(s)
- indirect objects
- indiscriminate, undiscriminating
- indispensable for, indispensable to
- individual, person
- inequity, iniquity
- infest, infested by, infested with
- infinitive, infinitive phrase
- inform
- inform, notify, tell
- infra-
- infringe (on, upon)
- ingenious, ingenuous, disingenuous
- ingratiate
- initiative (on one’s own initiative)
- initiative, take the initiative in
- insanitary, unsanitary
- inside of, outside of, off of
- insight about, insight as to, insight into, insight regarding
- insinuate, insinuate into
- integrate, integrate into, integrate with
- intense, intensive
- inter, interment, intern, internment, internship
- inter-
- intercede for, intercede on behalf of, intercede with
- interjections
- internecine
- Internet, internet
- Internet, Net (Linguistic recommendation from the Translation Bureau)
- intra-
- intro-
- Inuk, Inuit (Linguistic recommendation from the Translation Bureau)
- inuksuk, inuksuit, inukshuk, inukshuks
- invest, invested as, invest in, invest with
- Iqaluit, Iqalummiuq, Iqalummiut
- Iranian, Persian
- italics: emphasis
- italics: French and foreign words
- italics: identifying matter
- italics: introduction
- italics: legal references
- italics: letters and words cited
- italics: mathematical and scientific material
- italics: modes of transportation
- italics: peripheral matter
- italics: titles of works
- its, it’s
- jack, plug
- jack-o’-lantern
- jackknife, jack-knife
- jackrabbit
- jejune
- jewel, jewelled, jeweller, jewellery
- jibe at, jibe with, jive, gibe, gybe
- join, join in, join to, join up, join with
- joint co-operation, mutual co-operation, co-operation
- judgment day, Judgment Day
- judicial, judicious
- Juno Awards, Junos
- jurisprudence, case law, precedents
- just-in-time, just in time
- juxta-
- Kathmandu, Katmandu
- kerfuffle, kafuffle
- kerosene, kerosine
- ketchup, catsup
- kibitz, kibitzer, kibbutz, kibbutzim
- kickoff, kick off, kick out
- killer
- kilo-
- kilobyte, kB, K (kilobyte)
- kilogram, kg, kilo
- kilometre, km
- kilopascal, kPa
- kind of, kinds of, kinda, sort of, sorts of
- King’s Counsel, K.C., Queen’s Counsel, Q.C.
- kitty-corner, cater-corner, diagonally opposite, on the diagonal
- knick-knack, knickknack
- knot, knots per hour
- kudos, kudo, compliment
- Kugluktuk, Coppermine
- Kurd, Kurdish
- Kwanzaa
- labio-
- labour (at, for, over, toward)
- Labour Day, Labor Day
- labour under
- labour, labor, laborious
- Lac-Brome, Lac Brome
- laconic, laconically
- La Coulée
- lacto-
- laden, loaded
- laisser-aller, laissez-aller
- laissez-faire, laisser-faire
- laissez-passer, laisser-passer
- Lake on the Mountain
- laker
- Lakehead, the Lakehead
- lama, llama
- landed immigrant, permanent resident
- Lansdowne
- lan-, lani-, lano-
- Laplander, Lapp, Sami
- larger than life
- lase, laser
- last post, taps
- last, latest
- Latin terms and abbreviations
- latte
- laud, laudable, laudatory
- Laurentian Mountains, the Laurentians
- law
- lay the blame for, lay the blame on
- lea, lee
- leach, leech
- lead, led
- lean, leaned, leant
- leap, leaped, leapt
- learn, teach
- least, less
- legible, readable
- legion, Legion
- legionnaire, Legionnaires’ disease
- legislature, Legislative Assembly, House of Assembly, National Assembly
- legume
- lend, lent, loan, loaned
- levy, levy against, levy on, levy upon
- Les Éboulements
- liable for, liable to
- liable, likely, apt
- liaise, liaison
- licence, license
- lie, lay
- lieutenant-governor, Lt.-Gov., His/Her Honour, Honourable
- lighted, lit
- lighten, lightening, lightning
- like
- limited number of
- lines, along these lines
- lingui-
- link to, link up with, link with
- linking verb (copula verb)
- Lions Club
- Lions Gate Bridge
- litany, long litany
- litre, liter, L (litre)
- livable, liveable
- live by, live off, live on
- loath, loathe, loathing, loathsome
- locate
- loco-
- lodge a complaint
- logic: appeal to tradition
- logic: biased or suppressed data
- logic: false appeal to authority
- look after
- look for
- look into
- look over, overlook
- loonie
- loose, lose
- luck in, luck out
- Luso-
- lustre, luster
- luxuriant, luxurious, luxury, deluxe, de luxe, luxe
- lynx, lynxes
- Mac-, Mc-
- Macintosh, McIntosh, mackintosh, macintosh
- macro-
- made from, made of, made with
- Magdalen Islands, Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Madelinot
- major breakthrough, breakthrough
- majority, most
- mal-
- manageable
- mango
- Manila, manila, manilla
- Manitoba, Man, MB
- Manitoban, Franco-Manitoban
- manner, to the manner born, to the manor born
- manoeuvre, maneuver
- mantel, mantle
- maple syrup: vocabulary
- maquiladora
- margins, fully justified margins, left-justified margins
- marmalade
- materiel, matériel, material
- matri-
- matte, mat, matt
- maven
- may be, maybe
- may, might
- ma’am, madam, madame
- meagre, meager
- media, medium
- meetings: agenda
- meetings: minutes
- meetings: model agenda
- mega-
- memorandums: memorandum format
- merchandise, merchandize
- merge together
- Messrs., Mmes., Mses., Mss.
- meta-
- metaphor
- micro- (combining form)
- militate, mitigate
- milli-
- mini-
- mis-
- missing gap, gap
- moment’s notice (at a)
- mono-
- Montréal, Montréaler, Montrealer
- moot, moot point
- Mountain Daylight Time, Mountain Standard Time, MDT, MST
- mucus, mucous
- multi- (combining form)
- myself
- nameable, namable
- names of Canadian universities (Linguistic recommendation from the Translation Bureau)
- names of government departments (Linguistic recommendation from the Translation Bureau)
- nano-
- nas-, naso-
- necessary prerequisite, prerequisite
- need, needs
- neo-
- neuro-
- New Brunswick, N.B., NB
- Newfoundland and Labrador, Nfld., N.L., NL
- Newfoundland Daylight Time, Newfoundland Standard Time, NDT, NST
- new French spelling (Linguistic recommendation from the Translation Bureau)
- new innovation, innovation
- new recruit, recruit
- noci-
- noct-, nocti-
- non sequitur
- non-, un-
- nona-
- noun
- noun clause
- noun phrase
- noun used as an adjective
- Northwest Territories, N.W.T., NT
- Norwego-
- Nova Scotia, N.S., NS
- nulli-
- number sign, hash mark, pound sign
- numbers in compound adjectives
- numbers starting a sentence
- numbers used as nouns
- numbers: age
- numbers: clarity
- numbers: comparative and inclusive numbers
- numbers: consistency
- numbers: decimal fractions
- numbers: fractions
- numbers: governmental and historical designations
- numbers: market quotations
- numbers: mathematical usage
- numbers: money
- numbers: names of organizations
- numbers: plurals
- numbers: quantities and measures
- numbers: ratios
- numbers: reference numbers
- numbers: Roman numerals
- numbers: round numbers
- numbers: spelled-out numbers
- numbers: votes and scores
- Nunavut
- O, Oh
- oblique
- oblivious of, oblivious to
- occur, occurred, occurrence
- oct-, octa-, octo-
- octopus, octopuses
- ocul-
- odont-
- odour, odorant, odoriferous, odorous
- oeno-
- off-line, offline, on-line, online
- offence, offense, offensive
- official, officious
- OK, O.K., okay
- old, older, elder
- old-fashioned, old fashioned, old fashion
- ole-, oleo-
- olig-, oligo-
- ombro-
- ombudsman (Linguistic recommendation from the Translation Bureau)
- omelet, omelette
- omni-
- on numerous occasions
- on the basis of, based on
- on the one hand, on the other hand
- on the part of, on behalf of, by
- on, on to, onto
- onco-
- one of those who
- one, I, you
- onoma-, onomato-
- Ontarian, Franco–Ontarian
- Ontario, Ont., ON
- onward, onwards
- oo-
- opposite from, opposite of, opposite to
- opposition (in opposition)
- opt-, opto-
- opthalm-, opthalmo-
- oral, verbal
- order, in the order of, of the order of, on the order of
- ordinance, ordnance
- ori-, oro-
- orient, orientate, disorient
- original founder, founder
- originate at, originate from, originate in, originate with
- ornitho-
- osseo-, ossi-, osteo-
- Ottawa, Ottawan, National Capital Region
- oto-
- out-
- ov-, ovi-, ovo-
- over, more than
- overall, over all
- overlook, oversee, oversight
- overused cliché, cliché
- owing to the fact that
- o’clock
- Pacific Daylight Time, Pacific Standard Time, PDT, PST
- paleo-, palaeo-
- pan-
- para-
- parallel between, parallel to, parallel with
- parallelism in headings
- parallelism with items in a series
- Paralympic Winter Games
- paralyse, paralyze
- parentheses
- participle, participle phrase
- particular to, peculiar to
- past history, history
- past tradition, tradition
- patho-
- patri-, patro-
- ped-, pedo-, paed-, paedo-
- pedal, peddle
- pedi-, pedo-
- penta-
- percent, per cent, per-cent, percentage
- per, each
- per-
- perfectly legitimate, legitimate
- peri-
- period
- period of time, time period
- perpendicular to, perpendicular with
- persist in
- Perso-
- personal pronouns
- personal, personnel
- personification
- perspective (from the)
- petr-, petri-
- PhD, Ph.D., Dr.
- phenom, phenomena, phenomenon
- phleb-
- phosphorus, phosphorous
- photo-
- physio-
- phyto-
- picto-
- planning, planning in advance, preplanning
- plurals of compounds
- plurals of family names
- pluri-
- pneumo-
- point at, point to, point out
- poly-
- possessive with gerunds
- post (on, to, in)
- post-
- practicable, practical
- practically, theoretically
- practice, practise
- pre-
- preceding, previous, prior
- predicate
- predict, predict in advance
- prefer one to the other
- preferable, more preferable, most preferable
- preference for, preference in, in preference to
- preoccupied about, preoccupied by, preoccupied with
- preplan, plan
- prepositional phrase
- prepositions
- present to, present with
- presently, at the present time
- preside at, preside over
- pretence, pretense
- prevent from, prevent to
- preventable, preventible
- previously listed above, previously listed
- Prince Edward Island, P.E.I., PE
- Prince Edward Islander, Franco-Prince Edward Islander
- principal, principle
- prise, prize
- pro-
- procedure, process
- proceed against, proceed to, proceed with
- prohibit from
- pronoun agreement: collective nouns
- pronoun agreement: compound antecedents with and
- pronoun agreement: compound antecedents with or
- pronoun agreement: gender
- pronoun agreement: indefinite pronouns
- pronoun agreement: number
- pronoun agreement: person
- prophecy, prophesy
- proportional(y), proportionate(ly)
- provide against, provide for, provide with
- pseudo-
- psycho-
- public service: capitalization rules (Linguistic recommendation from the Translation Bureau)
- punctuation: spacing
- Punjabi, Panjabi
- pursuance (in)
- put in place, put into place
- pyro-
- quadr-, quadri-, quadru-
- quality
- quantum
- Québec, City of Québec, Quebec City
- Quebec, Que., QC
- Quebecer, Quebecker, Québécois
- Queen’s University
- question as to whether
- question mark
- queue, cue
- quint-
- quite, not quite
- quotation marks: overview
- quotation marks: quotations within quotations
- quotation marks: reference to words as such
- quotation marks: titles
- quotation marks: unusual words or irony
- quotation marks: when to avoid
- quotation, quote
- quotations beginning with “that”
- quotations: block format
- quotations: French and foreign language quotations
- quotations: indirect (reported) speech
- quotations: insertions and alterations
- quotations: introduction
- quotations: omissions
- quotations: poetry
- quotations: punctuation with quotation marks
- quotations: run-in format
- Quran, Koran
- raise, rise
- Ramadan
- rather
- re-
- reason is because
- reconcile to, reconcile with
- reduction in
- reference notes: author-number system
- reference notes: books
- reference notes: common abbreviations
- reference notes: endnotes
- reference notes: footnotes
- reference notes: general
- reference notes: in-text (author-date)
- reference notes: legal references
- reference notes: periodicals (articles)
- reference notes: subsequent references
- regard for
- regardless, irrespective, irregardless
- Regina, Reginan, Queen City
- register with
- regular routine, routine
- relation, relationship
- relative pronouns, who, whom, whose, which, that
- relieve of
- remand (on), remand in custody
- Remembrance Day, Poppy Day, Armistice Day
- replace with, replaced by
- report for, report on/upon, report to
- reports: abstract or summary
- reports: appendixes
- reports: ending
- reports: findings and discussion
- reports: format
- reports: glossary
- reports: headings
- reports: illustrations
- reports: introduction to report
- reports: letter of transmittal
- reports: margins
- reports: mathematics
- reports: pagination
- reports: preparation
- reports: references
- reports: spacing
- reports: table of contents
- reports: title page
- reports: underlining
- reproach for, reproach with
- requisition
- research in, research into
- reserve, reservation
- responsibility of, responsibility for
- responsible
- responsible for, responsible to
- result from, result in
- result of
- resulting effect
- retreat back, retreat
- retro-
- revision checklist
- revision: content check
- revision: extent of revision
- revision: format
- revision: grammar and mechanics
- revision: interrevision
- revision: introduction
- revision: names and addresses
- revision: preparation
- revision: reference notes
- revision: style and usage
- revision: timing
- revolve around
- rhino-
- rhodo-
- right of
- rob, steal
- run-on sentences
- Russo-
- Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day
- Saint John River, rivière Saint-Jean
- Saint John, Saint Johner, Loyalist City
- Salish, Salishan, Salish Sea
- same, for same, the same
- sanction
- Saskatchewan, Sask., SK
- Saskatchewaner, Saskatchewanian, Franco-Saskatchewanian
- satisfaction in, satisfaction of
- satisfied with
- Sault Ste. Marie, Soo, Saultite
- Scando-
- sceptic, septic
- Scoto-
- seasonable, seasonably, seasonal, seasonally
- secure against, secure from, secure in
- segue, Segway
- seismo-
- seldom, seldomly
- semi-
- semicolon
- sensual, sensuous
- Serbo-
- serif fonts
- serve to illustrate
- serve, service
- serviceable
- sesqui-
- set, sit
- several different
- sharp, sharply
- signed at, signed in
- simile
- simple sentence
- sink down, sink
- Sino-
- skijoring
- slippery slope
- so as an adverb
- socio-
- sombre, somber
- somni-
- son-, soni-, sono-
- Sons of the Clergy Islands
- spacing
- spacing with periods
- speak, talk
- specific example, example
- spectre, specter
- speculate about, speculate in, speculate on, speculate upon
- spelling: “able”/“ible” and “ative”/“itive” endings
- spelling: combinations with all
- spelling: final consonants doubled before a suffix
- spelling: frequently misspelled words
- spelling: international variations
- spelling: plurals of foreign nouns
- spelling: SI/metric units
- spelling: spell-checking
- spelling: verbs ending in “ie”
- spelling: verbs ending in “sede,” “ceed” and “cede”
- spelling: words ending in a silent “e”
- spelling: words ending in “c”
- spelling: words ending in “-ise” and “-ize”
- spelling: words ending in “n”
- spelling: words ending in “y”
- spelling: words with “ei” and “ie”
- spring
- square brackets
- St. John’s, St. John’san, St. John’ser
- stationary, stationery
- stay-at-home
- strata, stratum
- streets and buildings: abbreviations and numbers
- sub-
- subject
- subject area, subject
- subject complement
- subject predicate order
- subject to, subjected to
- subordinating conjunctions
- subsequent, subsequent to
- substitute for
- successful achievement, successfully achieve
- sucr-, sucro-
- sudden impulse, impulse
- suggest that
- suited for, suited to
- sum total, total
- summer
- super-
- supposedly, supposably
- surrounded on all sides, surrounded
- Swedo-
- sym-, syn-
- sympathetic to, sympathetic toward(s)
- sympathize with
- sympathy between, sympathy for, sympathy with
- take account of, take into account
- take exception to
- Tamil
- tamper with
- tele-
- telephone extensions
- telephone numbers (Linguistic recommendation from the Translation Bureau)
- telephone numbers: area code
- telephone numbers: country code
- temporary reprieve, reprieve
- tend to, tend towards
- tendency, trend
- terrible tragedy, tragedy
- tetra-
- thank you, thank-you
- that being the case
- the manner in which, the way in which
- the question as to whether
- thence, thenceforth, thereafter
- theo-
- there, their, they’re
- thereby
- therefor, therefore
- therm-
- thousand, K (thousand)
- Tibeto-
- till, until
- time of day
- to the extent that
- toboggan
- topo-
- Toronto, Torontonian, GTA, Hogtown, Metro
- toxi-, toxico-
- trans-
- tri-
- troop, troupe
- true and authentic, authentic
- true fact, fact
- try and, try to
- Turco‑, Turko‑
- Turk, Turkish
- Turkmen, Turcoman
- Twitter terminology (Linguistic recommendation from the Translation Bureau)
- ultra-
- ultraviolet, UV, UV index
- un-
- unconscious of
- under way, underway, under weigh
- under, under the provisions of
- Underground Railroad, Underground Railway
- unexpected surprise, surprise
- uni-
- unidentified flying object, UFO
- uniform resource locator, URL
- unique, unique to
- United Kingdom, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, UK, U.K.
- United Nations, UN, U.N.
- United States, United States of America, US, U.S., USA, U.S.A
- universal product code, UPC
- unsatisfied, dissatisfied
- until such time as
- up
- up-and-coming
- upcoming
- upgrade
- upon, up on, on
- upper case, upper-case, uppercase
- upward, upwards, upwards of
- use, utilize
- used to, never used to, used not to, didn’t use to
- Usher of the Black Rod
- Valentine’s Day, St. Valentine’s Day, Saint Valentine’s Day
- valid, invalid
- value added, value-added, value-added tax, VAT
- value, value at
- Vancouver, Vancouverite, Gastown
- vapour, vaporize, vaporous
- variance, at variance with, at variance among
- various different
- vegan, vegetarian
- venomous, poisonous
- verb agreement
- verb agreement in questions
- verb agreement in the case of interrupting words
- verb agreement with collective nouns
- verb agreement with “couple”
- verb agreement with indefinite pronouns
- verb agreement with “none”
- verb agreement with “number”
- verb agreement with “range”
- verb agreement with “total”
- verb agreement: compound subjects with “and”
- verb agreement: compound subjects with “or”
- verb agreement: sentences beginning with “there”
- verb phrase
- verbatim
- verbiage, verbose, verbosity
- verbs in conditional sentences
- verbs: helping verbs, auxiliary verbs
- verbs: main verb
- vernacular, colloquial
- verse, stanza
- versed in
- versus, v., vs.
- vertical lists
- very
- veto against, veto on, veto over
- via (preposition)
- vice versa
- vice-
- Victoria Day, fête de la Reine
- Victoria, Victorian, City of Gardens
- view of (in)
- vigour, vigor, vigorous, vigorously, invigorating
- virtue, by virtue of, in virtue of
- vis-à-vis
- visit, visit with
- viti-
- vocal, vociferous, voluble
- vocation, avocation
- vogue
- -vore
- waive, wave
- warmist, coolist
- wary of
- Web (Linguistic recommendation from the Translation Bureau)
- whatsoever
- where … at
- whereas
- whisky, whiskey
- Whitehorse, Whitehorser, Whitehorsian
- who’s, whose
- widow, widow of the late
- Winnipeg, Winnipegger, Gateway to the West
- with a view to
- with reference to
- withhold from
- worship
- would
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© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Public Services and Procurement
A tool created and made available online by the Translation Bureau, Public Services and Procurement Canada
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