Writing tools

New versions of the writing tools

Please note that the links on this page lead to updated versions of the writing tools. We invite you to start using them right away!

The old versions of the tools have been archived and won’t be updated before they’re permanently deleted.

Consult these tools to improve your writing in English and French.

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English tools

Writing Tips Plus

Do you want to write better in English? Writing Tips Plus deals with difficult points of English grammar and punctuation, as well as other English writing conventions. This tool includes articles that appeared formerly in Writing Tips and The Canadian Style.

HyperGrammar 2

Would you like to learn more about comma use or parts of speech in English? HyperGrammar 2 is a self-teaching tool that will help you improve your knowledge of English grammar, spelling and punctuation.

Peck’s English Pointers

Do you want a better understanding of English grammar, punctuation and usage? Peck’s English Pointers is a collection of articles and practice exercises on difficult points of English.

Favourite Articles

Do you enjoy reading articles that take an in-depth look at language issues? Favourite Articles is a collection of English articles from the Translation Bureau’s former periodical, Language Update.

Word Tailoring

Are you looking for the right translation to capture the different nuances of a French word? Word Tailoring suggests a number of English equivalents for common French words and phrases used in everyday or administrative writing.

French tools

Clés de la rédaction

Would you like to write better in French? Clés de la rédaction deals with difficult points of French grammar and punctuation, as well as other French writing conventions. This tool includes articles that appeared formerly in the Guide du rédacteur and Clefs du français pratique.

Dictionnaire des cooccurrences

Are you having trouble finding the right word to use with a common French noun like “intelligence,” “mondialisation” or “eau”? The Dictionnaire des cooccurrences provides lists of the adjectives and verbs that are commonly used with a large number of French nouns.

Le Rouleau des prépositions

Should you say “emprunter un livre à un ami” or “emprunter un livre d’un ami”? Le Rouleau des prépositions tells you what prepositions to use with specific French verbs, adverbs and adjectives.

Chroniques de langue

Do you enjoy reading articles that take an in-depth look at language issues? Chroniques de langue is a collection of French articles from the Translation Bureau’s former periodical, L’Actualité langagière.


Are you wondering how to conjugate a French verb in the present subjunctive? ConjugArt gives the conjugation of nearly 8 000 French verbs in all tenses and moods. In particular, it includes technical verbs, Canadianisms and European regionalisms.

Lexique analogique

Are you struggling to come up with a translation for an English term that doesn’t translate easily into French, like “challenge,” “result in” or “identify”? The Lexique analogique gives solutions for a number of common problems and provides a variety of French equivalents for English buzzwords and all-purpose words.


Do you write or translate in the field of law? The Juridictionnaire gives solutions for many difficult points of legal language in the Canadian context.

Les mots du droit

Should the English word “case” always be translated by the word “cause” in French? Les mots du droit suggests French equivalents for English legal terms with multiple meanings.

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