Spacing with punctuation is not always the same in English and French.  For guidelines on spacing in both official languages, refer to the tables below.

On this page

Spacing in English

Punctuation mark Before After

apostrophe (within a word)

  • the woman’s hat
no space no space

apostrophe (end of word)

  • the employees’ suggestions
no space 1 space


  • We’ll need the following: a tent, sleeping bags and good weather.
no space 1 space


  • She was born on Friday, March 13, 2009.
no space 1 space

decimal point

  • 43.5 hours
no space no space

ellipsis (unspaced, i.e. no space between ellipsis points)

  • There was little he could say … so he said nothing.
1 space 1 space

em dash

  • Jean’s car—a silver Lexus—was stolen last night.
no space no space

en dash

  • pages 84–95

Note: A spaced en dash may be used in a sentence in place of an unspaced em dash. In that case, the en dash has one space before and after it:

  • Jean’s car – a silver Lexus – was stolen last night.
no space no space

exclamation point

  • Wow! That’s wonderful!
no space 1 space


  • the bride-to-be
no space no space

oblique (used between two letters, symbols or words)

  • n/a
  • and/or
no space no space

oblique (used to separate a single word or group of words from another group of words)

  • Language and Society / Langue et societé
  • highlights / key points
1 space 1 space

parenthesis or bracket (opening)

  • The em dash (long dash) is a substitute for the comma, colon or semicolon.
1 space no space

parenthesis or bracket (closing)

  • Using personal pronouns (I, you, we) helps us write more clearly.
no space 1 space


  • You can drop by tomorrow. I’ll be home.
no space 1 space

question mark

  • What did he say? I wasn’t listening.
no space 1 space

quotation marks (opening)

  • She said, “We have nothing to fear …
1 space no space

quotation marks (closing)

  • … but fear itself.”
no space 1 space


  • To err is human; to forgive, divine.
no space 1 space

Spacing in French

Punctuation mark



apostrophe no space no space
colon 1 non-breaking spaceFootnote * 1 space
comma no space 1 space
decimal comma no space no space
dashes (em and en) 1 space 1 space
ellipsis (unspaced, i.e. no space between ellipsis points) no space 1 space
exclamation point no space 1 space
oblique (used between two letters, symbols or words) no space no space
oblique (used to separate a single word or group of words from another group of words) 1 space 1 space
parenthesis or bracket (opening) 1 space no space
parenthesis or bracket (closing) no space 1 space
period no space 1 space
question mark no space 1 space
quotation marks (opening) 1 space 1 non-breaking space*
quotation marks (closing) 1 non-breaking space* 1 space
semicolon no space 1 space

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© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Public Services and Procurement
A tool created and made available online by the Translation Bureau, Public Services and Procurement Canada

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