post (on, to, in)

The verb post is often used in the context of the Internet. It can be challenging to know which prepositions to use with this verb.

On this page

Definition of the verb “post”

In information technology, the verb post means “to make information available on the Internet.”

“Post on”

Many people view posting something online in the same way as posting something on a physical bulletin board. For this reason, post is usually followed by the preposition on when used with nouns such as website and social media.

  • We post a new article on our website every month.
  • How often do you post on social media?

“Post to”

Post is sometimes also followed by the preposition to when used with nouns such as blog and website. Post to tends to refer to content added to a specific section of a website or application (channel, community, message board, profile page).

  • How can I post a comment to that blog?
  • The candidate posted their resume to a job website.

“Post in”

Post is often followed by the preposition in when used with nouns such as group and forum.

  • She regularly posts items for sale in the buy-and-sell group.
  • He posted his question about the recipe in a baking forum.

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