Chroniques de langue

Use this tool to find articles that take an in-depth look at difficulties related to the French language, translation, terminology and other language-related topics.


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Arnold, Cathryn
Asselin, Gérard
Auverana, Iliana
Bazin, Amélie
Beauchamp, Marjorie
Beaulieu, Marc-Alexandre
Bellerive, Robert
Bertrand, Louis-Dominic
Biron, Pierre
Blain, Philippe
Blais, François
Boileau, Monique
Canuel-Ouellet, Renée
Cardinal, Inès
Carrier, Louise
Cyr, Denise
D’Aoûst, Marie
Delisle, Jean
Desrosiers, Jacques
Doumbia, Bréhima
Dubé, Jacques
Duhaime, Jeanne
Dupont, Charles
DuPont, Sylvie
Farid, Georges
Favre, Professeur Henri
Forget, Patrick
Gariépy, Julie L.
Gauthier, François
Gélinas-Surprenant, Hélène
Gémar, Jean-Claude
Gosselin, Michel
Gouanvic, Marc
Goulet, Cyrille
Grandchamp-Tupula, Mariette
Griffon, Pierre
Guay, Huguette
Guay, Marise
Guyon, André
Halde, Vincent
Harries, Emma
Hébert, Christine
Hug, Christine
Labrosse, Céline
Lacroix, Josée
Lacroix, Kim
Laforge, Marc
Lafrance, Hugo
Landis, Michèle
Langlois, Camille
Lapointe, Lucie
Larivière, Louise-Laurence
Lemire, Robert
Leroux fils, Frèdelin
Leroux, Paul
Lortie, Serge
Macklovitch, Lison
Martin, Gabriel
Matsune, Heather
McClelland, Denise
Melançon, Christiane
Ouimet, Nicole
Peck, Frances
Pepermans, Raymond
Picotte, Jacques
Poirier, Conrad
Pokorn, Daniel
Racette, Martine
Racicot, André
Ranger, Natalie C.
Rodríguez, Nadia and Bettina Schnell
Ross, Sheila M.
Rouleau, Maurice
Roumer, Camilo
Samson, Emmanuelle
Senécal, André
Shatalov, Dmitry
Siemienska-Vachali, Maja
Taravella, AnneMarie
Tautu, Doris
Vittecoq, Fanny
Wellington, Me Louise Maguire
Unsigned articles

About Chroniques de langue

Chroniques de langue is a collection of French articles that appeared in the Translation Bureau’s former quarterly periodical, L’Actualité langagière (previously L’Actualité terminologique), between 1968 and 2013.

These articles by language specialists provide an insight into the evolution of the French language and the language industry over several decades. They take an in-depth look at language difficulties and issues related to translation, interpretation and terminology.

Copyright notice for Chroniques de langue

© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Public Services and Procurement
A tool created and made available online by the Translation Bureau, Public Services and Procurement Canada