The Our Languages blog

The Our Languages blog has something for anyone who is interested in language, whether for work, study or pleasure. Discover a new blog post every two weeks, and share your passion for language by leaving a comment or writing a blog post!

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Blog posts

Four tips for writing short, simple poetry

Posted on August 6, 2018

Thanks to social media, poetry is more accessible than ever. Want to write and publish your own poems? Maria Magdeleina Lotfi shares four tips to help you write short, simple poetry.

“Hot” summer quizzes

Posted on July 23, 2018

Aaaaah, gardening, flowers, bees, warm weather … don’t they sound inviting? These quizzes on the Language Portal of Canada are sure to enhance your vocabulary and round out your summer!

The round ball and its double identity

Posted on July 9, 2018

Marise Guay explains the origin of the words “soccer” and “football” and discusses usage in Canada, where the word “soccer” is more popular.

How to evaluate using the sandwich method

Posted on June 26, 2018

Do you ever have to give your feedback on someone’s performance? If so, you know how hard it is to be honest without hurting or discouraging the person. Anvita Saxena has an evaluation method that will help you out!

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