The Our Languages blog

The Our Languages blog has something for anyone who is interested in language, whether for work, study or pleasure. Discover a new blog post every two weeks, and share your passion for language by leaving a comment or writing a blog post!

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Blog posts

How birdsong changed my life

Posted on July 22, 2024

Do you have a special bond with our feathered friends? So does bird specialist Ted Cheskey! Read his post to find out how much of an impact birds have had on his life.

My view on the main challenge in learning a new language

Posted on July 8, 2024

Learning a new language certainly has its challenges! Samson Young shares his view on the main challenge, along with some helpful advice on how to overcome it.

Discovering multilingual translation: Part 1 – Working with multiple languages

Posted on June 25, 2024

Ève Lyne Marchand was curious about the work lives of multilingual translators. In her post, she shares Part 1 of a two-part series in which she interviews three of the Translation Bureau’s multilingual translators.

The gift of bilingualism: Raising my kids with English and French

Posted on June 10, 2024

How can we encourage our children to learn two languages when we live in an area where one language is dominant? Read on to learn how Lindsay Bach is handling this challenge with her three kids.

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