The Our Languages blog

The Our Languages blog has something for anyone who is interested in language, whether for work, study or pleasure. Discover a new blog post every two weeks, and share your passion for language by leaving a comment or writing a blog post!

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Blog posts

What’s up with "you"

Posted on October 1, 2018

Ever wonder why English doesn’t have two words for “you” like other languages? Find out why in this post on the Our Languages blog.

Jessica Coon: Linguistic superstar

Posted on September 24, 2018

Who said a linguist couldn’t be a superstar? We landed an interview with Jessica Coon, Associate Professor of Linguistics at McGill University. Read our post to see what Dr. Coon had to say about her involvement in the film Arrival and how she contributes to the revitalization of Indigenous languages.

Learning a second language: Being deaf won’t stop me

Posted on September 17, 2018

For a person who is hard of hearing, learning a second language poses special challenges. But it’s not an insurmountable obstacle: our blogger Maryse Allain did it! Read on for her advice.

Linguistic duality according to Raymond Théberge, Commissioner of Official Languages

Posted on September 10, 2018

Want to know more about our new Commissioner of Official Languages? Read our bloggers’ interview with Raymond Théberge, in which he shares something of his life and vision.

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