From: Translation Bureau
Use this tool to find suggested equivalents for French words and expressions that are difficult to translate.
This tool is available in English only. However, you can find similar content in the French writing tool Lexique analogique.
On this page
- Search by keyword in Word Tailoring
- Search in the Word Tailoring index
- About Word Tailoring
- Questions and comments
- Related links
Search by keyword in Word Tailoring
Enter one or more keywords in the search box below to get a list of articles in Word Tailoring that contain these words. Your search results will be displayed in Language Navigator.
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Search in the Word Tailoring index
Click on the first letter of the word you are looking for, and then click on that word in the list to consult the corresponding article.
- à bâtons rompus
- aborder
- absolument
- accepter
- accorder la parole
- accorder ses violons
- accrocheur, accrocheuse
- accroître
- accueillir
- à cet égard
- acquérir
- acquiescer
- acquis (noun)
- acteur
- actuellement
- adapter
- adopter
- affecter
- ajuster
- à la clôture de
- à la lumière de
- à la portée de
- à l’encontre de
- à l’intention de
- aller de l’avant
- aller droit au but
- animateur, animatrice
- animation
- animer
- antérieur
- à partir de
- à peu de chose près
- à plus d’une reprise
- à portée de la main
- apport
- à première vue
- après quoi
- a priori
- assimiler
- assister
- assister à
- assumer
- au besoin
- au bout
- au départ
- au fil de
- au mieux
- au moment de
- à un point tel que
- au pire
- au premier chef
- au tout début
- auprès de
- aussitôt
Copyright notice for Word Tailoring
© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Public Services and Procurement
A tool created and made available online by the Translation Bureau, Public Services and Procurement Canada
Questions and comments
Related links
- Writing tools
- Language Navigator (for fast access to language tips)