Blog posts in the category: General language

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Post title Author Posting date Number of views Number of comments
2SLGBTQI+ allyship in language: Words matter Giancarlo Cerquozzi 2002 3
3 stylistic differences between English and French Ève Lyne Marchand 8707 2
4 simple tips for writing an effective speech Stanley Igboanugo 3578 3
5 festive songs and their origins Ève Lyne Marchand 2122 4
5 places to visit to practise your second language Lucie Séguin 5022 0
7 careers for the literature major Fatima Rizzo 8542 0
7 proverbs and expressions that Granny used to use Ana Conan 4558 0
A certain je ne sais quoi Annie-Josiane Sessou 1251 0
A historical overview of the “grammar-translation” method for teaching foreign languages Alejandro Hernández Jaramillo 25055 2
Add a little poetry to your life Nathalie Rondeau 726 0
Are you a multilingual speaker? Haiyi Yan 13103 4
Australian English in a nutshell Line Lalande 18448 5
Back to the pen: Writing letters by hand Lina Peralta 3853 5
Chuchotements d’éveil: A writing workshop like no other Nathalie Rondeau 2830 0
Cométique: Beyond the cosmetics of a street Josée Marie-Lise Robillard 863 0
Doubling down on the letter “w” Amanda Kenney 571 6
French in Canada: Some interesting facts you may not know Katharine Snider McNair 34435 7
Geographical names and the mysteries they hold: The case of the Lairet River Steeves Gourgues 3255 1
How birdsong changed my life Ted Cheskey 69 2
How to deliver bad news Sheila Ethier 10186 8
I dance with words Annie-Josiane Sessou 1980 2
I speak, therefore I am Pascale Bourque 8001 1
Latin: The not-so-dead language you use every day Mary van Amelsvoort 11496 2
Let’s take a butcher’s at cockney rhyming slang Line Lalande 15170 2
Maritime-isms Natalie Ballard 11798 2
Misconceptions about multilingualism Raina Schnider 6906 1
My 2 hats, and false ideas about linguistics Raina Schnider 5416 2
Reflections on flavours and words Annie-Josiane Sessou 729 0
Serving up environmental studies (or history, or visual arts, or just about anything) with a side of language skills Lynne Bowker 2789 0
Speech therapists, a.k.a. “word doctors” Sonia Routhier 2260 0
Strengthening intergenerational ties through reading and writing Marise Guay 45 0
The advantages and disadvantages of a global language Alexandre Chemla 185145 6
The benefits of being trilingual in Montreal Nadia Helal 13674 3
The Canadian Francophonie: 21 years of celebration Philippe Daoust 5458 4
The CEGEP English Exit Exam: Know what to expect and how to succeed Nadia Helal 18754 4
The evolution of gender in the English language Sophie Martin 3517 3
The French invasion of English André Racicot 3954 1
The French legend of King Arthur Steffan Landry 5330 2
The gift of language Shelina Adatia 10068 2
The good writer: Three tips to transform your writing style from good to great Charmaine Emanuel Ralph 3896 0
The importance of writing Clarisse Bondoma 1874 0
The language (and art) of stand-up comedy Nadia Helal 5521 2
The language of music Pascale Bourque 5322 2
The writing residency: An extraordinary experience Nathalie Rondeau 690 0
To baby talk or not to baby talk Amy Warr 7949 4
Using verbs with flair! Lina Scarpellini 1917 4
What Gallicisms are and why we use them Fatima Rizzo 15301 3
What language do you dream in? Lina Peralta 6720 1
What’s the easiest language to sing in? Ève Lyne Marchand 1792 4
Why Canada needs a language museum Katharine Snider McNair 5365 0
Would a rose by any other name smell as sweet? To cliché, or not to cliché: that is the question Desmond Fisher 4513 2
Writing: Smothering the creative flame Hélène Massé 1791 2