The importance of writing

Posted on January 18, 2021

There’s a quote that says words are silent cries. I can’t remember the exact wording (my apologies to the author), but I retained the message. Writing allows us to share with others what we can’t say out loud.

Writing is therefore very important. I’m not saying that the whole world should start writing poems and novels and publishing them, of course. I’m just going to try and show you what it is about the art of writing that I find so appealing.

Writing allows us to unload our emotions

We don’t all have a shoulder to cry on when everything goes wrong. We don’t all have trusted people in our lives whom we can confide in and pour our hearts out to. But we do all have at least a telephone, a tablet, a computer, or a pen and paper that we can use to express our woes. Writing frees the heart and soothes the soul. After we’ve opened up, we feel much lighter.

When we’re able to open up, isn’t doing so in writing more beneficial? It certainly is! Can a notebook talk back to judge you? The tool you choose to use when writing can do something that humans can’t always do: listen without judging. We may open up to people who don’t always understand what we’re going through and who criticize and reprimand us constantly, without necessarily putting themselves in our shoes. Your tool can’t talk. Of course, it can’t give you a hug when you’re crying or commiserate when you want to vent either, but at least it won’t judge you. (Just to be clear, I’m not saying we should replace people with computers or anything else. Our friends and family may be complicated, but we love them all the same.)

Writing allows us to express what we wouldn’t dare say out loud

Writing is like social media: it gives us the assurance and confidence to express our feelings as freely as we wish, without limits or fear. Writing gives us another way to speak. It’s like a second mouth.

Writers have superhuman powers

Writing isn’t just about creating prose or telling stories; it’s about opening up to the world and touching people’s hearts. How many people can relate to the books they read? How many people are affected by authors’ emotions? Too many to count, I bet. It’s a real joy to see so many people touched by our words. Writing is also about communicating, teaching and sharing. A book can help people to grow. A piece of writing can change the world.

Writing brings us joy above all

In addition to everything I’ve already said, writing gives us a way to express ourselves and become aware. Finally, I’d say that writing is an art we choose to practise for our own pleasure and for the enjoyment and inspiration of others. Above all, we write because we love it and want to communicate with others.

In my view, all of this is what makes writing nothing less than an art. It’s something I’ll always do. It transports me and heals me.

What about you? What does writing mean to you?

Translated by Natalie Ballard, Language Portal of Canada


The opinions expressed in posts and comments published on the Our Languages blog are solely those of the authors and commenters and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Language Portal of Canada.

Get to know Clarisse Bondoma

Clarisse Bondoma

Clarisse Bondoma

Clarisse Bondoma has a passion for writing and reading. It might sound cliché to say, but she’s been writing since she was little. In early 2020, she became an author, when Éditions Edilivre gave her a chance and published her short story “Étage inférieur.” She continues her writing journey by maintaining a blog and an Instagram page on which she provides writing tips and advice. She’s currently working on a novel, and she hopes her writing makes its way into all of our hearts.



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