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Résultats 1 à 10 de 602 (page 1 de 61)

Identifying active and passive voice

An English quiz on identifying the active and passive voice.Although passive voice is possible in English, active voice is more natural and easier to understand because we immediately know who is doing the action.This quiz will help you differentiate between the two. So don't be passive! Get active, and identify whether the sentences below are in active or passive voice!For more information, check out our article on active voice, passive voice, voice.1. Dentists are assisted by dental voicepassive voice2. My spouse arrived by plane at 6:55 voicepassive voice3. By pure coincidence, Rashid came into the store when I happened to be voicepassive voice4. We were bitten by mosquitoes at the cottage!active voicepassive voice5. My wallet was found on the voicepassive voice6. The argument was voicepassive voice7. The director studied the file and gave her voicepassive voice8. The committee assured me that no follow-up was necessary at the voicepassive voice9. The child was invited by his friend from voicepassive voice10. Canadian artist Leonard Cohen won numerous awards throughout his voicepassive voice  
Source : Jeux du Portail linguistique du Canada
Nombre de consultations : 559 752

Subject-verb agreement with collective nouns

A quiz on subject-verb agreement with collective nounsDoes a singular collective noun take a singular or plural verb? Well, it depends. If the collective noun refers to the group as a unit, then it takes a singular verb. If it refers to the individuals in the group or the parts that make up the group, then the verb should be plural. In the following sentences, decide whether the collective noun requires the singular or plural verb.1. This organization on a barbecue every summer.putsput2. The flute ensemble tuning; itsare; their3. The flute ensemble playing at the Kiwanis Music Festival.isare4. Martin's family to vacation in Haida Gwaii this summer.plansplan5. A huge swarm of locusts destroyed the crops.hashave6. The pack of dogs running off in different directions.waswere7. Every fall, the English class book reports on summer reading.writes; itswrite; their  
Source : Jeux du Portail linguistique du Canada
Nombre de consultations : 418 272

Subject-verb agreement: Advanced

An advanced English-language quiz on subject-verb agreement.Writing is a little like math. Let us explain! In math, we know that two sides of an equation must be equal—in a sense, they have to agree. In writing, subjects and present-tense verbs must also agree: if the subject is singular, so is the verb; if the subject is plural, so is the verb. In the following sentences, see if you can choose the verb that agrees with its subject.1. The frogs at the cottage very loudly.croakscroak2. The horses wildly across the field.gallopsgallop3. The herd of horses wildly across the field.gallopsgallop4. There been many hurricanes this year.hashave5. The woman with all the cats here regularly.shopsshop6. The mascot, as well as the hockey players, at the school.volunteervolunteers7. The hockey players and the mascot at the school.volunteervolunteers8. The hockey players or the mascot at the school.volunteervolunteers  
Source : Jeux du Portail linguistique du Canada
Nombre de consultations : 372 806

Transitive and intransitive verbs 1

An English-language quiz on transitive and intransitive verbs.Action verbs can be transitive or intransitive, or both. Transitive verbs take a direct object—a word or word group that answers the questions what? or whom? after the verb. Intransitive verbs do not take an object.To see if you understand the difference between these two types of verbs, try your hand at this quiz.1. Cody passed the book to Paul.transitiveintransitive2. Moira and Jack sang at the school concert.transitiveintransitive3. The Houghmans dance regularly.transitiveintransitive4. Kathy lies in the hammock on summer afternoons.transitiveintransitive5. The captain married John and Marlene during the cruise.transitiveintransitive6. Geoffrey bought the boat yesterday.transitiveintransitive7. Jordan's sympathies rest with the defendant.transitiveintransitive  
Source : Jeux du Portail linguistique du Canada
Nombre de consultations : 330 605

Parts of speech 4

A quiz on recognizing the eight parts of speech in English.How well do you know the parts of speech?Because words may have different functions in different sentences, they can belong to more than one of the eight parts of speech: verb, noun, pronoun, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction and interjection. For example, the word book can be a noun (The book is on the desk) or a verb (She asked me to book a room for our meeting).Try our quiz! See if you can name the parts of speech of the words in square brackets below.1. [For] a few weeks, Ottawa residents enjoy the brilliant fall colours of Gatineau Park.verbnounpronounadjectiveadverbprepositionconjunctioninterjection2. The red, yellow and deep [orange] of autumn leaves create a dazzling display.verbnounpronounadjectiveadverbprepositionconjunctioninterjection3. Hiking and walking are [excellent] ways to discover the Park’s 165 kilometres of trails.verbnounpronounadjectiveadverbprepositionconjunctioninterjection4. [Follow] the Luskville Falls Trail, and climb 290 metres up the rocky slope of the Eardley Escarpment.verbnounpronounadjectiveadverbprepositionconjunctioninterjection5. The children amused [themselves] by rolling in the pile of raked leaves.verbnounpronounadjectiveadverbprepositionconjunctioninterjection6. Rock climbing can be slow and arduous, but once you reach the top, it is [simply] exhilarating.verbnounpronounadjectiveadverbprepositionconjunctioninterjection7. Many athletes cycle in Gatineau Park [not only] for the aerobic workout [but also] for the hill training.verbnounpronounadjectiveadverbprepositionconjunctioninterjection8. [What!] You’re not coming with us to see Fall Rhapsody?verbnounpronounadjectiveadverbprepositionconjunctioninterjection  
Source : Jeux du Portail linguistique du Canada
Nombre de consultations : 196 581

Although or however

An English quiz on the difference between “although” and “however.It's easy to confuse although and however because they're both used to show a contrast between ideas. But they aren't the same kind of word. Although is used to start a dependent clause (DC). However is used to link two independent clauses (IC) that have a full stop between them.See if you have mastered the use of these words by trying our quiz!1. I feel extremely tired, I went to bed early last night.althoughhowever2. I left on time; , heavy traffic caused me to be late.althoughhowever3. I'm running a little late with the speech; , I expect to finish it by this afternoon.althoughhowever4. They're still going camping, it will be raining all weekend.althoughhowever5. James made the basket, he is much shorter than his one-on-one opponent, John.althoughhowever6. We will have lunch outside. , we will move inside in the event of rain.AlthoughHowever7. Marie speaks English well, her first language is French.althoughhowever8. Marie speaks English well; her first language, , is French.althoughhowever9. David loves Bollywood movies, he doesn't speak Hindi.althoughhowever10. We will have to move; the rent is good, the apartment is in poor repair.althoughhowever  
Source : Jeux du Portail linguistique du Canada
Nombre de consultations : 194 272

Peaceable pronouns

A quiz on pronoun agreement in English.Pronouns are peaceable creatures—they like to agree with the words they refer to (called their antecedents). English pronouns should agree with their antecedents in gender, number and person. To test your knowledge of pronoun agreement, pick the answer that is best in formal writing for each question below.1. of the ballroom dance club brought dues.Each member, hisEach member, his or herAll the members, their2. Gloria and Hugh have loaned us bathing suits.ourtheirhis or her3. Because Canadians come from so many varied backgrounds, we have learned to value diversity.This sentence is correct.This sentence contains a shift in person.This sentence contains a shift in number.4. Choose the correct sentence:None of the dogs has lost its collar.None of the dogs have lost their collars.both are correct5. Every one of the student nurses passed exams.herourthe6. The company benefited by marketing products online.itstheirhis or her7. on the committee expressed opinion on the proposal.Everyone, hisAll the people, theirEvery man and woman, her8. Neither the children nor their father had picture taken.histheirour9. Ontario voters must cast ballots before the polls close tonight.yourourtheir10. None of the Girl Guides forgot lines in the skit.theirherour  
Source : Jeux du Portail linguistique du Canada
Nombre de consultations : 130 107

Clauses and phrases 1

An English-language quiz on identifying clauses and phrases.Clauses and phrases are similar, yet different. As you may recall, a clause is a group of related words that has a subject and a predicate. A phrase is also a group of related words, but is missing a subject or a predicate or both.Test your knowledge by picking out which of these examples are clauses and which are phrases.1. in a heated mannerclausephrase2. they were arguing in a heated mannerclausephrase3. the presentation of the new productclausephrase4. the team leader is giving the same presentation againclausephrase5. the report consultedclausephrase6. the managers consulted the annual reportclausephrase7. will leave soonclausephrase8. leave soonclausephrase  Note: Adapted from HyperGrammar (copyright 1994, 1995 and 1996) produced by the Faculty of Arts at the University of Ottawa.
Source : Jeux du Portail linguistique du Canada
Nombre de consultations : 121 729

Verb agreement with “either” and “neither”

An English-language quiz on verb agreement with either and neither.Either and neither are masters of disguise! They can be pronouns; and if so, they're always singular. Or they can be part of a two-part conjunction (either … or, neither … nor) joining two or more subjects. In that case, the verb must agree with the nearer subject.In the questions below, decide whether either and neither are singular subjects or conjunctions joining subjects. And when you’ve figured that out and you know what the subject is, pick the verb that agrees.1. Neither of them how to get to Red Deer.knowknows2. It will be hard for them to get there, as neither Kate nor her friends how to drive.knowknows3. Usually, either my niece or my nephew me up at the airport.pickspick4. either of you speak Russian?DoDoes5. Did you know that neither Norway nor Switzerland in the European Union?isare6. Either Tracy or her sisters supposed to prepare dinner, but nothing is ready.waswere7. Neither of my daughters old enough to go on that amusement ride.lookslook8. It’s a shame that neither the pink one nor the white one in size 16.comecomes9. Either he or you to clean up this room.hashave10. Either fine with me.isare  
Source : Jeux du Portail linguistique du Canada
Nombre de consultations : 103 386

Types of phrases 1

An English-language quiz on identifying types of phrases.A phrase is a group of words that forms a unit simpler than a sentence. Unlike a sentence, a phrase does not contain a subject and a verb.Many different types of phrases can be used to build sentences. See if you can name the type of phrase in square brackets in each sentence below.1. We all sighed in relief, [James having found his passport].noun phraseverb phraseprepositional phraseinfinitive phraseparticiple phrasegerund phraseabsolute phrase2. The day ended with [feasting on Spanish tapas and local wine].noun phraseverb phraseprepositional phraseinfinitive phraseparticiple phrasegerund phraseabsolute phrase3. [To celebrate their arrival at the villa], they all enjoyed a glass of Mallorcan wine on the terrace overlooking the sea.noun phraseverb phraseprepositional phraseinfinitive phraseparticiple phrasegerund phraseabsolute phrase4. As a souvenir, Mary bought herself [a beautiful, oval-shaped, soft pink pearl].noun phraseverb phraseprepositional phraseinfinitive phraseparticiple phrasegerund phraseabsolute phrase5. [Fascinated by the stalactites and stalagmites in the cave], the tourists took many pictures.noun phraseverb phraseprepositional phraseinfinitive phraseparticiple phrasegerund phraseabsolute phrase6. Once [at the beach], they all settled down on lounge chairs.noun phraseverb phraseprepositional phraseinfinitive phraseparticiple phrasegerund phraseabsolute phrase7. Patricia [would have gone] for a walk to explore the surroundings had others been interested.noun phraseverb phraseprepositional phraseinfinitive phraseparticiple phrasegerund phraseabsolute phrase  
Source : Jeux du Portail linguistique du Canada
Nombre de consultations : 98 159