Peaceable pronouns

Pronouns are peaceable creatures—they like to agree with the words they refer to (called their antecedents). English pronouns should agree with their antecedents in gender, number and person. To test your knowledge of pronoun agreement, pick the answer that is best in formal writing for each question below.

1. Placeholder for the answer of the ballroom dance club brought Placeholder for the answer dues.
2. Gloria and Hugh have loaned us Placeholder for the answer bathing suits.
3. Because Canadians come from so many varied backgrounds, we have learned to value diversity.
4. Choose the correct sentence:
5. Every one of the student nurses passed Placeholder for the answer exams.
6. The company benefited by marketing Placeholder for the answer products online.
7. Placeholder for the answer on the committee expressed Placeholder for the answer opinion on the proposal.
8. Neither the children nor their father had Placeholder for the answer picture taken.
9. Ontario voters must cast Placeholder for the answer ballots before the polls close tonight.
10. None of the Girl Guides forgot Placeholder for the answer lines in the skit.