Subject-verb agreement: Advanced

Writing is a little like math. Let us explain! In math, we know that two sides of an equation must be equal—in a sense, they have to agree. In writing, subjects and present-tense verbs must also agree: if the subject is singular, so is the verb; if the subject is plural, so is the verb. In the following sentences, see if you can choose the verb that agrees with its subject.

1. The frogs at the cottage Placeholder for the answer very loudly.
2. The horses Placeholder for the answer wildly across the field.
3. The herd of horses Placeholder for the answer wildly across the field.
4. There Placeholder for the answer been many hurricanes this year.
5. The woman with all the cats Placeholder for the answer here regularly.
6. The mascot, as well as the hockey players, Placeholder for the answer at the school.
7. The hockey players and the mascot Placeholder for the answer at the school.
8. The hockey players or the mascot Placeholder for the answer at the school.