Verb agreement with “either” and “neither”

Either and neither are masters of disguise! They can be pronouns; and if so, they're always singular. Or they can be part of a two-part conjunction (either … or, neither … nor) joining two or more subjects. In that case, the verb must agree with the nearer subject.

In the questions below, decide whether either and neither are singular subjects or conjunctions joining subjects. And when you’ve figured that out and you know what the subject is, pick the verb that agrees.

1. Neither of them Placeholder for the answer how to get to Red Deer.
2. It will be hard for them to get there, as neither Kate nor her friends Placeholder for the answer how to drive.
3. Usually, either my niece or my nephew Placeholder for the answer me up at the airport.
4. Placeholder for the answer either of you speak Russian?
5. Did you know that neither Norway nor Switzerland Placeholder for the answer in the European Union?
6. Either Tracy or her sisters Placeholder for the answer supposed to prepare dinner, but nothing is ready.
7. Neither of my daughters Placeholder for the answer old enough to go on that amusement ride.
8. It’s a shame that neither the pink one nor the white one Placeholder for the answer in size 16.
9. Either he or you Placeholder for the answer to clean up this room.
10. Either Placeholder for the answer fine with me.