The Our Languages blog

The Our Languages blog has something for anyone who is interested in language, whether for work, study or pleasure. Discover a new blog post every two weeks, and share your passion for language by leaving a comment or writing a blog post!

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Blog posts

LeFLOFRANCO: The art of juggling with languages

Posted on March 4, 2024

For LeFLOFRANCO, co-spokesperson for the 2024 Rendez-vous de la Francophonie, music is a way to showcase all his identities and contribute to the resilience of the Franco-Canadian community. Read this post to learn more about the diverse heritage that shapes his music.

Yes, you can be gender-inclusive and use plain language!

Posted on February 19, 2024

Looking for techniques to help you write texts that are clear, effective and inclusive? Chantal Turcotte’s blog post will point you in the right direction!

Valentine’s Day: Sweet nothings

Posted on February 5, 2024

They say that falling in love can help you learn a language faster! Sophia Désir, a Francophone who is constantly working to improve her English, shares some of her favourite terms of endearment, just in time for Valentine’s Day.

Let’s talk noun strings!

Posted on January 22, 2024

English loves stringing nouns together: "lunch program," "infant nutrition issues," "food science." Two- or three-word noun strings are easy to understand, but anything longer gets in the way of comprehension. To find out how to avoid long noun strings in your writing or translations, read Lindsay Bach's post!

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