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Le Navigateur linguistique cherche simultanément dans tous les outils d’aide à la rédaction, jeux et billets de blogue du Portail linguistique du Canada. Il vous donne accès à tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour bien écrire en français et en anglais : articles sur des difficultés de langue, recommandations linguistiques, tableaux de conjugaison, suggestions de traductions et bien plus.

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Résultats 1 à 10 de 108 (page 1 de 11)

The language of tweets and hashtags: A bilingual mini-glossary of social media terms

An English blog post on social media terminology.If I told you I added a “hashtag” to my Tweet or that I posted a “status update” on Facebook, you’d probably know what I meant. But what if I told you that I was a “wikipedian” or that my latest “vlog” was online? Would you know what I meant then? Maybe not! Today, we use social media to make it easier to share content, collaborate and connect with people. But social media platforms have a language all their own, and if you don’t know it, using certain platforms can be a challenge. Here’s a useful table that will help you understand the meanings of certain social media terms. The table also gives you the equivalent French term. So the next time you tweet in French, you can say you added “mots-clics” to your “gazouillis” instead of “j’ai tweeté des hashtags”!   English-French mini-glossary of social media terms English term French term Definition chatting clavardage (masculine noun) A real-time texting conversation between users over the Internet.1 unfriend désamicaliser; décopiner; amiradier To remove a person from your list of friends or contacts.1 geotagging data données de géomarquage (feminine plural noun) Information that associates a geographical location with photos, videos, messages, etc.1 emoticon; smiley émoticône (feminine noun); binette (feminine noun); A symbol or an image that represents the mood of the person sending the message. tag étiquette (feminine noun) A keyword added to a picture, video or text in order to classify its content or identify a person. Note: In French, the term used on Facebook is “identification.” crowdsourcing externalisation ouverte (feminine noun); externalisation à grande échelle (feminine noun) The practice of making use of the creativity, intelligence and expertise of Internet users to carry out a particular activity. home timeline fil d’actualités (masculine noun) On Twitter, the chronological stream of all the tweets from any accounts to which a user has subscribed.1 news feed fil de nouvelles (masculine noun) On Facebook, the centre column of a user’s homepage that contains status updates, videos, photos, etc. twitterer; tweeter gazouilleur (masculine noun), gazouilleuse (feminine noun) A Twitter account holder who reads and posts tweets. retweet; RT gazouillis partagé (masculine noun) On Twitter, a tweet that a user forwards to his or her followers. status update mise à jour de statut (feminine noun) A new post on your personal profile.1 Note: Term used on Facebook. hashtag mot-clic (masculine noun); mot-dièse (masculine noun) A keyword, a keyword string or a theme preceded by the pound or number sign and used to index and categorize content. handle; nickname pseudonyme (masculine noun); pseudo (masculine noun) An Internet user’s alias or shortened name. post publication (feminine noun) Anything published on a social media platform, such as text, images, videos and audio recordings. log in; sign in se connecter; ouvrir une session To start a log-in session; to sign into your account.1 log out; sign out se déconnecter; fermer une session To end the current log-in session; to sign out of your account.1 video blog; vlog; videoblog vidéoblogue (masculine noun); vlogue (masculine noun); blogue vidéo (masculine noun) A blog in which posts are in the form of a video.1 wikipedian wikipédiste (noun); wikipédien (masculine noun), wikipédienne (feminine noun) A person who writes or edits articles on Wikipedia. Source: The Translation Bureau’s Social Media Glossary 1 My own definitions. For a more complete list, I encourage you to check out the Social Media Glossary in TERMIUM Plus®. It’s a very useful tool for all social media users. Now that you know the meanings of certain social media terms, do you think you’ll be more comfortable using and talking about various social media platforms? Let us know in the comments below! Adapted by Natalie Ballard, Language Portal of Canada
Source : Blogue Nos langues (billets de collaborateurs)
Nombre de consultations : 52 797

10 practical tips to enrich your French vocabulary

An English blog post on 10 tips for increasing your French vocabulary.When we learn a language, especially at school, we study grammar rules and verb conjugations, we memorize sentences and sometimes even word lists. But when the time comes to speak, we may feel unable to express our ideas clearly. Maybe we don’t have enough vocabulary to do so, or maybe the vocabulary we do have isn’t useful in that situation. For example, let’s say you have to give your opinion on city traffic. You know what your view is, but you lack the specific vocabulary to express it. Or let’s take a simpler, everyday example. After many hours of studying French, you want to explain how to prepare one of your favourite recipes. You know the verbs you need for the steps, but you don’t know the words for the ingredients. Or vice versa: you know the words for the ingredients, but not the verbs for the steps. So what can you do to enrich your vocabulary in a practical way, without creating or memorizing word lists? Through my experience as a French teacher and also as a foreign language learner, I’ve discovered a few simple but effective strategies for learning new words. Here are some everyday tips you may find helpful: 1. Read the French version of product labels Here in Canada, we have the wonderful advantage of having the labels of many products written in both official languages, English and French. 2. Make French the display language on your electronic devices Change the language setting to French on your computer, cellphone or tablet. 3. Read the news in French When you read a French newspaper, choose a news article, pick out the important words, and look them up in the dictionary. 4. Write a page in your journal for each of your daily activities For example, if you go to the gym, at the end of your workout, write up a summary to learn the French words for the machines and the muscles you used, and the exercises you did. 5. Check the weather forecast in French Break the ice with any Francophone by using the appropriate words to describe the weather in each season. 6. Find out the French name for your favourite articles of clothing for every season This way, each time you wear those items of clothing, you’ll think of their French name. And you’ll find shopping easier when you visit a Francophone province. 7. Create a Twitter account in French Even if you don’t like social media very much, you can still learn vocabulary for topics that interest you by following the accounts of people, groups and organizations (like the Language Portal of Canada) that matter to you. 8. Add French captions to your photos Why not create an Instagram account specifically to write French captions under your photos? You can also ask your (new) Francophone friends to suggest captions. 9. Enrich your vocabulary through play Click on Jeux sur le vocabulaire (vocabulary quizzes) on the Resources of the Language Portal of Canada website, and you’ll find a variety of quizzes that will help you discover new French words or refresh your memory of old ones. 10. Research vocabulary related to a topic that interests you TERMIUM Plus®, a terminology and linguistic data bank, lists numerous terms by subject field. That really helps in retaining concepts and applying them in everyday life. Now, it’s your turn! What tips would you add to this list? In the Comments section, share your ideas (or your friends’ ideas) for learning new vocabulary. Thanks in advance! Translated by Josephine Versace, Language Portal of Canada
Source : Blogue Nos langues (billets de collaborateurs)
Nombre de consultations : 22 074

Onomatopoeia and interjections: Words that imitate sounds or express emotion

An English quiz in which the user must identify the onomatopoeia that corresponds to the sound being made.Onomatopoeia is the use of words that imitate sounds made by a person, an animal or a thing (like "puff," "moo" or "bang"). Onomatopoeic words should not be confused with interjections, which are words or phrases (such as "Yikes!" or "Hey!" or "My goodness!") used as exclamations to express a feeling.In the questions below, find the onomatopoeic word that imitates the given sound, or the interjection that expresses the stated emotion. But be careful! Don't be confused by onomatopoeic words or interjections used in French!For more information, see the article interjections.1. a sneezeachooatzooatchoum2. knuckles striking a doortoc-tocbangknock knock3. a telephonering ringding-dongdring dring4. something falling into the waterploufsplashkerplunk5. the joy of eatingom nom nomtum tummiam6. painayoyeouchaïe7. a clocktip-toptic-tactick-tock8. the sound a cat makesmeowmioomiau9. dismay over a mistake or blunderoupsoopswhoups10. snoringzzzzrrrr…purr  
Source : Jeux du Portail linguistique du Canada
Nombre de consultations : 14 853

St. Patrick's Day: Irish trivia

A quiz on expressions and facts related to Ireland and the Irish culture and language.Who doesn’t want to be Irish on St. Patrick’s Day? Test your knowledge of the language and culture of the Emerald Isle with this Irish-themed quiz.1. The mother tongue of Ireland’s patron saint, Pádraig, wasGaelicAnglo-SaxonLatin2. This popular Irish toast is Gaelic for "health."SláinteSaúdeSalute3. Someone who is said to have "kissed the Blarney Stone" isa loud drunka generous persona gifted speaker4. A shamrock isa fake gemstonea sprig of clovera brooch5. A popular Irish ring depicts two hands holding a crowned heart. This piece of jewellery is called a ring.ColleenCladdaghCairngorm6. The Irish word for a fairy woman isbansheesleveenleprechaun7. This famous Dublin-born author once said, "I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train."George Bernard ShawJames JoyceOscar Wilde8. Newfoundland is known in Irish Gaelic as "Talamh an Éisc". What does this Gaelic name mean?Rock of the AtlanticLand of FishIsland of Forests9. The Aran Islands are famous for their traditional sweaters, in intricate designs.nitknitedknit10. In an Irish , the upper body is held erect, and the arms hang down straight alongside the body.gigjiggigue  
Source : Jeux du Portail linguistique du Canada
Nombre de consultations : 13 012

maple syrup: vocabulary

An English article on the vocabulary surrounding the maple syrup-making process and its by-products.
The tradition of maple syrup making can be attributed to First Nations peoples. They were the first to discover maple syrup and to share their knowledge of the maple syrup–making process. In the past, sap was collected in containers made of birch bark. Today, the tradition continues with modernized equipment. In Canada, there are four principal maple syrup–producing regions. These include the provinces of Quebec, Ontario, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. However, maple syrup production is possible in Newfoundland, in Prince Edward Island, on the Prairies and in British Columbia. In the eastern provinces and on the Prairies, maple syrup is produced from the sap of the sugar maple. British Columbia is the only province to produce maple syrup from the sap of the bigleaf maple. Although the maple syrup season lasts from February to April, you can enjoy maple syrup all year long! Below is a list of words related to maple syrup. Vocabulary related to maple syrup Vocabulary related to maple syrup Word or expression Meaning, example and French equivalent bigleaf maple Meaning: A species of maple tree that grows on the west coast of North America; its sweet sap is used to make maple syrup.Example: The Alberni Valley is home to an abundance of bigleaf maple trees unique to British Columbia’s West Coast.French equivalent: érable à grandes feuilles boil Meaning: The process of boiling down maple sap into maple syrup.Example: This year’s maple season yielded 790 gallons of maple syrup from 19 boils.French equivalent: ébullition evaporator Meaning: A pan or set of pans set over a heat source that boil sap into maple syrup.Example: Delicious gooey maple syrup is drawn off the evaporator.French equivalent: évaporateur grades Meaning: Information about the colour and taste of maple syrup.Example: “Golden,” “Amber,” “Dark” and “Very Dark” are different grades of maple syrup.French equivalent: catégorie maple butter Meaning: A spread made from maple syrup that has been boiled, cooled and whipped.Example: My children love spreading maple butter on toast for breakfast.French equivalent: beurre d’érable maple sugar Meaning: Maple syrup that has been boiled down into granulated sugar.Example: Sophie sprinkles maple sugar on their oatmeal every morning.French equivalent: sucre d’érable maple syrup Meaning: A concentrated maple sap.Example: You can pour maple syrup over pancakes and hot cereal, or drizzle it over ice cream.French equivalent: sirop d’érable maple taffy, maple taffy on snow Meaning: Maple syrup that is boiled down, poured over snow and congealed into chewy candy.Example: Children enjoy rolling up maple taffy onto a stick and chewing on the soft, sticky candy.French equivalent: tire d’érable, tire d’érable sur la neige sap Meaning: A sweet, clear liquid that flows inside a maple tree and is used to make maple syrup.Example: Every spring, sap runs from the maple trees.French equivalent: sève sap run Meaning: When the sap flows from the maple trees.Example: The sap run happens in spring when the sap is flowing from the maple trees.French equivalent: coulée de sève spile, sap spout Meaning: A small tube inserted into a maple tree used to carry the sap from the tree to a bucket or pail.Example: The spile is driven into the maple tree about 1 inch deep so that the sap can flow from it.French equivalent: chalumeau, chalumeau à sève sugar bush, sugarbush, maple bush, maple grove Meaning: A stand of maple trees used for the production of maple syrup.Example: The Mountsberg sugar bush has been producing maple syrup for more than 150 years.French equivalent: érablière sugaring, sugaring off, maple sugaring Meaning: The process of making maple syrup by taking sap from a tree and boiling it down.Example: The history of sugaring, turning sap into syrup, goes back to the Indigenous peoples.French equivalent: acériculture sugaring season, sugaring-off season, maple syrup season Meaning: The time of the year when maple sap is running and maple syrup is being made.Example: Sugaring season begins when daytime temperatures rise above freezing while nighttime temperatures remain below freezing.French equivalent: le temps des sucres sugar maple Meaning: A large tree producing sweet sap that is then used to make maple syrup.Example: The sugar maple is the national tree of Canada.French equivalent: érable à sucre sugar pie Meaning: A dessert made with maple syrup.Example: Sugar pie is a traditional French Canadian dessert.French equivalent: tarte au sucre sugar shack, sugar house, sap house Meaning: A small cabin where sap collected from sugar maple trees is boiled into maple syrup.Example: The children gathered in the sugar shack to watch the sap boil and to keep warm.French equivalent: cabane à sucre taphole Meaning: A hole drilled into a maple tree to make it easy to collect sap.Example: Maple syrup production starts by drilling a taphole in the tree.French equivalent: entaille tapping Meaning: The process of going from tree to tree in the sugarbush, drilling holes in the wood and collecting the sap.Example: The tapping process does not harm the tree.French equivalent: entaillage
Source : Writing Tips Plus (difficultés et règles de la langue anglaise)
Nombre de consultations : 7 677

“Hot” summer quizzes

An English blog post in which the author provides an overview of quizzes in the Language Portal of Canada on expressions and vocabulary related to summer.There’s plenty of time to play in the summer, especially when you’re on vacation! Why not try a few quizzes on the Language Portal of Canada? They’re sure to enhance your knowledge of vocabulary related to the hot season, in both official languages. Spotlight on “hot” expressions It’s summer, and it’s hot. Sometimes we sweat buckets, especially during a heat wave. But the French idiom “on a eu chaud” doesn’t necessarily mean that we perspired … How would you translate this expression into English? “We were hot”? Hmm, maybe not! The quizzes Hot stuff 1 and Hot stuff 2 will show you that the French adjective chaud isn’t always translated into English by hot or warm. Try them! Your score will tell you if you’re really “hot”! Flower riddles Add a colourful, fresh, fragrant touch to your summer days with the riddle quizzes A bouquet of summer flowers and Another bouquet of summer flowers. It’s easy! Just figure out the clues that stand for the names of flowers such as yarrow, chrysanthemum and hibiscus. Ready to play? Summer-flavoured expressions Imagine that you’re alone, sitting on the edge of the pool, feet dangling in the water and eyes glued to a gripping novel. Total escape. Perfect tranquility. And suddenly … Splash! Some kid doing a cannonball snaps you back to reality. You’re drenched, and so is your book. What a mess! Who pulled this prank? Right then, you tell yourself that “it’s no picnic.” But since you’re a ray of sunshine in life, you quickly realize that the incident is a drop of water in the ocean. How would you say these expressions in French? Test your knowledge of summer-related idioms with the quiz Summery expressions, which contains seven more idioms to fire up your sleepy brain cells! Annuals, perennials and other types of plants After dipping your feet in the pool, get your hands dirty in the garden! But as you’re planting a perennial cactus (yes, some varieties of this succulent plant can withstand Canadian winters), a thorn gets stuck in your thumb … Ouch! Let medicinal plants come to the rescue and treat your poor green thumb! Want to know what these plants are called in French? And how about annuals, conifers and ground covers? Time to roll up your sleeves and start digging in Gardening 101: Types of plants! UFI: Unidentified flying insects Bumblebee, drone, bee, wasp, hornet, horsefly, it’s all the same to you. They sting and it hurts, right? Oh well, don’t feel bad. You’re not the only one who putz all theze bugzzz in the same bazket. The quiz Yellow-and-black-striped flying insects should help you tell them apart. And as a bonus, you’ll learn their names in French. A fun-filled trip to the land of insects awaits you! I hope this overview of quizzes on the Language Portal has piqued your curiosity enough to try them all! Tell me if you liked them in the comments section. I’d also like to hear your suggestions for language quizzes! Translated by Line Lalande, Language Portal of Canada
Source : Blogue Nos langues (billets de collaborateurs)
Nombre de consultations : 7 303

Five new words for tech buffs

An English blog post featuring five new words that have appeared in the computer world and on the Internet.Do you remember when the words “modem” and “diskette” were brand new? Then, when the Internet came into our lives, we quickly adopted “downloading” and “email.” More recently, with the spread of smart phones, the terms “texting” and “selfie” have become part of our everyday vocabulary. English speakers regularly create new words (called “neologisms”) to designate new realities. That’s why language is a living organism! In my post, I’ll introduce you to a few neologisms that are related to new technology. Keeping it short In a fast-paced world, who has time to read or write lengthy posts or messages? Sometimes we just want to post a picture, share a funny video or tell our friends how we’re feeling. Well, there are apps for that: Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, Instagram, just to name a few. Putting brief texts, photos, hyperlinks, audio files, etc., on such platforms is called microblogging. TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank, defines the term as “the act of posting and sharing short messages online.” It’s also spelled “micro-blogging.” Too much information Faced with the massive amounts of information available on the Internet, we can end up feeling overwhelmed. When the amount of information we receive is so excessive that it becomes difficult or even impossible to process, we suffer from information overload, also called infobesity. This amusing blend word, formed from “information” and “obesity,” reminds us of the importance of taking in information selectively … and sparingly! Too many options You’ve almost certainly had an experience like this: You start reading an article on a given subject such as, say, electricity. You click on a link, and then another, and another. After a while, you find yourself reading the lyrics of a song by Justin Bieber. How in the world did you get there? Well, you’ve been wilfing, that is, wandering from link to link on the Internet to the point where you’ve forgotten the goal of your initial search. The word comes from the acronym “WILF,” which stands for “What was I looking for?” From pen name to alias Throughout history, for various reasons, writers have chosen to publish under a false name to conceal their identity. The act of assuming a false or fictitious name, especially in writing, is known as pseudonymity. Today, on the web, identities disguised by aliases, or pseudonyms, have become quite common. Pseudonymity is part of our daily experience as Internet users. Let’s play Do you know the word gamification? It’s formed from the word “game” and refers to the use of game mechanics in a situation other than a game, to make an activity more entertaining to users or accomplish a goal. What does this definition mean in practical terms? When a forum gives you a bronze, silver or gold status depending on the number of posted messages, or when a site gives you a “badge” or “sticker” for helping other users or reaching a milestone, that’s gamification in action. Inspired by video games, this technique encourages you to write more, to contribute more, to be a better web citizen! Are you as fascinated as I am by the creativity of English speakers and by new English words? If so, I’d like you to share some neologisms with me. Send me your words in the comments section, and don’t forget to include their definitions! Adapted by Line Lalande, Language Portal of Canada
Source : Blogue Nos langues (billets de collaborateurs)
Nombre de consultations : 7 141

Condo terminology for those who dream of buying a condo

An English blog post on English and French terminology related to condominiums.Condos are sprouting up in a neighbourhood near you and might offer better value than a house in your area. A condo could be a good choice for a first-time buyer or a retired person. Terminology differs in different regions of the country Is it called a condo or something else? It all depends on where you live. Most provinces talk about “condominiums,” “condos” or “units,” but the legal term in British Columbia is “strata,” and the legal term in Quebec is “co-ownership” (in French, copropriété). It’s all about location, location, location! Don’t worry, though, “condominium,” “condo” or “unit” can still be used unofficially in both BC and Quebec. Condos are under provincial jurisdiction and, in Quebec, they’re governed by the Civil Code of Québec (CCQ). The members of the condo association or syndicate include all the co-owners or copropriétaires (in Quebec), or condo owners (in the rest of Canada, or ROC), who vote for a board of directors to make decisions on behalf of all the owners and tenants (lessees or locataires in Quebec). A general meeting of the co-owners (assemblée générale des copropriétaires) must be held to vote on decisions under the CCQ. Here is some more technical information for the province of Quebec A co-ownership is called “divided” when the right of co-ownership is divided into fractions, each comprising a private portion and a share of the common portions: “Those portions of the buildings and land that are owned by all the co-owners and serve for their common use are called the common portions” (article 1043 CCQ). The declaration of co-ownership (déclaration de copropriété) consists of the act constituting the co-ownership (acte constitutif de copropriété), the by-laws (règlement) and a description of the fractions. Upon the publication (registration, in the ROC) of the declaration of co-ownership, the co-owners as a body constitute a legal person, which is called a syndicate. As mentioned above, a co-ownership comprises common portions (parties communes) and private portions (parties privatives). You may also see the expressions “common or private area,” “common or private element” or “common or private property” used. However, don’t take for granted that these terms mean the same thing legally as “common portion” and “private portion,” which are the terms used in the Civil Code of Québec. These other terms may be used unofficially, though. What’s yours is mine, but what’s mine isn’t yours In Quebec, when you buy a condo, it’s a fraction of a divided co-ownership property, which means that you’re adopting a community living lifestyle. As you know, co-owners, or their lessees in some cases (co-owners can rent their units if permitted to do so under the co-ownership’s by-laws), have certain rights to use the common portions, while individual owners have right of access to their private portions. Common portions may be located inside and outside the building and can include the parking lot, entrance or lobby, hallways, stairs, basement garage, gym, pool and gardens, among other things. For more information, please read the Language Portal blog post “Condo dreaming in Quebec” and the article “Condorama: Reflections on the World of Condo Advertising,” published by OTTIAQ’s Circuit magazine. A list of terms discussed in this post By-laws (règlement) Common element or common area (ROC); common portion (QC; in French, partie commune) Condo or condominium, condo unit or unit; strata (BC); co-ownership (QC; in French, copropriété) Condominium (condo) association, owners’ association; syndicate (QC; in French, syndicat) Constituting act of co-ownership (acte constitutif de copropriété) Condo owners (ROC); co-owners (QC; in French, copropriétaires) Declaration of co-ownership (déclaration de copropriété) General meeting of the co-owners (assemblée générale des copropriétaires) Private area; private portion (QC; in French, partie privative) Tenants; lessees (QC; in French, locataires)
Source : Blogue Nos langues (billets de collaborateurs)
Nombre de consultations : 6 073

Women’s right to vote in Canada

A quiz on vocabulary related to the history of voting rights for Canadian women.In 1916, women in Manitoba achieved the right to vote in provincial elections. This was a milestone in the fight for women's legal and political equality. However, the history of women's voting rights—both before and after 1916—is complex. Answer the questions below to learn more.1. Women who fought for the right to vote at the beginning of the 20th century were known as .women's libberssuffragettesanarchists2. According to The Canadian Encyclopedia, voting rights were granted to Canadian women "in a sporadic fashion." What does this phrase mean?at irregular intervalsvery late in historyreluctantly or grudgingly3. In the first half of the 19th century, the law granted certain property owners the right to vote, regardless of their gender. Some women were therefore to vote, particularly in Lower Canada, until the law was changed to expressly exclude them.illegibleeligibleellegible4. Emily Howard Stowe, one of the first female doctors in Canada, established the Toronto Women's Literary Club in 1876. A synonym of "doctor" is .physicistphysicianphilanthropist5. In the 1890s, the leaders of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union supported voting rights for women because they believed that prohibition could be achieved only if women were able to vote. What does the term "prohibition" refer to?a ban on the sale of alcoholthe right of married men to refuse military servicegender equality6. In the late 19th and early 20th century, several mock parliaments were held to promote, and raise funds for, women's right to vote. What is a mock parliament?a luncheona public auctiona simulation7. In 1917, the federal government passed the War-time Elections Act, which granted certain women the right to vote. This was done in an effort to increase the number of voters likely to support conscription. What does "conscription" mean?compulsory enlistment in military servicethe right of women to serve in the armed forcea ban on alcohol8. In 1929, Great Britain's Judicial Committee of the Privy Council that women were "qualified persons," which meant they could be appointed to the Senate.eludedconcludedprecluded9. Thérèse Casgrain spearheaded the suffragette movement in Quebec. A synonym of "spearheaded" is .ledviolently opposedremained neutral in10. is a formal word meaning "the right to vote."referendumplebiscitesuffrage  
Source : Jeux du Portail linguistique du Canada
Nombre de consultations : 5 900

Antonyms: What is the opposite of…?

An English quiz in which the user is given a sentence and must find the antonym of the word in parentheses.Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. They can be verbs, nouns, adjectives or adverbs.In the sentences below, find the antonym of the word in parentheses.1. He (sold) a car yesterday.loanedpurchasedborrowed2. This fabric is of (superior) quality.inferiorbetteroutstanding3. We adopted a (gorgeous) cat.gracefulhideousvery old4. My child (rarely) misses school.constantlyneverfrequently5. This explanation is totally (logical).absurdrationalacceptable6. My dog is (timid) by nature.courageousfearfulsociable7. The computers we use are (ultramodern).powerfulslowobsolete8. We (accepted) the offer on our house.signedrejectedrefuted9. Cruise ship waste has a (benign) effect on the marine environment.harmfulharmlessdisturbing10. His brother was his main (adversary) in this project.allyopponentrival  
Source : Jeux du Portail linguistique du Canada
Nombre de consultations : 4 650