Antonyms: What is the opposite of…?

Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. They can be verbs, nouns, adjectives or adverbs.

In the sentences below, find the antonym of the word in parentheses.

1. He Placeholder for the answer (sold) a car yesterday.
2. This fabric is of Placeholder for the answer (superior) quality.
3. We adopted a Placeholder for the answer (gorgeous) cat.
4. My child Placeholder for the answer (rarely) misses school.
5. This explanation is totally Placeholder for the answer (logical).
6. My dog is Placeholder for the answer (timid) by nature.
7. The computers we use are Placeholder for the answer (ultramodern).
8. We Placeholder for the answer (accepted) the offer on our house.
9. Cruise ship waste has a Placeholder for the answer (benign) effect on the marine environment.
10. His brother was his main Placeholder for the answer (adversary) in this project.