au départ: suggested translations

Consult this page to find suggested English equivalents for "au départ."

at first, at one time, at the outset, at the start, early on, from the start, from the word go, initially, in the beginning, in the first instance, in the first place, once, originally, previously, right away, right from the start, up front

  • avoir des interrogations au sujet de l’initiative au départ / have some doubts about the initiative at first
  • ce qui était au départ un fardeau potentiel devient un élément d’actif / what was at one time (once) a potential liability is now an asset
  • préciser au départ / say at the outset (right away, up front)
  • réduire le montant des intérêts à payer au départ / lower the amount of interest that has to be paid at the start
  • les critères qu’il a fixés au départ / criteria he had established early on
  • être honnête au départ / be honest (right) from the start (in the first place)
  • déjà, au départ, il y avait un problème / right from the word go there was a problem
  • refuser au départ d’assister à la manifestation / initially refuse to attend the demonstration
  • orienter le projet dans une direction qui n’était pas prévue au départ / take the project in a direction that was not intended in the beginning
  • se montrer catégorique au départ, car les tribunaux seront saisis de la question / be definitive in the first instance because this issue will go before the courts
  • au départ, le débat a porté sur cette question / originally the debate was about that issue
  • agir sur une échelle beaucoup plus vaste que prévu, au départ / act on a scale much larger than had previously been planned

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© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Public Services and Procurement
A tool created and made available online by the Translation Bureau, Public Services and Procurement Canada

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