accepter: suggested translations

Consult this page to find suggested English equivalents for "accepter."

accede, accept, admit, adopt, agree to, allow, assent, assume, consent, embrace, go ahead with, let, own up, permit, shoulder, take, take on, take up, welcome

  • être heureux d’accepter la demande / be pleased to accede to the request
  • accepter le point de vue des autres / accept other points of view
  • accepter qu’on a fait une erreur / admit (own up) that they made a mistake
  • accepter la plus importante recommandation / adopt the most important recommendation
  • accepter de présider la réunion / agree to chair the meeting
  • accepter la question dans les circonstances / allow the question in the circumstances
  • un projet de loi que le gouvernement pourrait facilement accepter / a bill to which the government could easily assent
  • accepter de nouvelles responsabilités / assume (shoulder, take on) new responsibilities
  • accepter leurs conditions de travail / consent to their working conditions
  • accepter certaines suggestions faites par l’équipe / embrace some of the team’s suggestions
  • accepter l’offre la plus basse / go ahead with lowest cost tendering
  • accepter qu’ils assument cette responsabilité / let them assume this responsibility
  • accepter un modeste déficit cumulatif / permit (allow) a modest cumulative deficit
  • accepter les avis financiers solides / take sound financial advice
  • accepter des postes très importants / take up very important appointments
  • accepter toutes les contributions / welcome any contributions

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© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Public Services and Procurement
A tool created and made available online by the Translation Bureau, Public Services and Procurement Canada

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