Pesky prepositions: Is it one or both?

Prepositions are words that show the relationship between nouns or pronouns and other words in a sentence. Knowing which preposition to use can be a challenge. And to complicate things even more, sometimes two different prepositions will do the job!

See how well you know your prepositions by choosing the correct preposition (or prepositions!) to use in the sentences below.

1. Shall we divide the project Placeholder for the answer two smaller tasks?
2. The guests strolled Placeholder for the answer the gardens.
3. They'll arrive in Saskatoon Placeholder for the answer a week.
4. Jasmina said she would labour Placeholder for the answer the success of the cause as long as she lives.
5. Despite the traffic, the ambulance arrived just Placeholder for the answer the nick of time.
6. Do you have any insight Placeholder for the answer why the project failed?
7. Nunavut was created by dividing the Northwest Territories Placeholder for the answer two.
8. Hans is not sympathetic Placeholder for the answer the idea of installing cameras at street intersections.
9. The teacher impressed Placeholder for the answer the students the importance of completing their homework on time.
10. The weather on Canada’s east coast is quite different Placeholder for the answer the weather on its west coast.