Parts of sentences 3

Knowing the parts of sentences—subject, verb, direct object, indirect object and subject complement—helps writers construct clearer sentences. Look at the words in square brackets below, and see if you can name the part of the sentence they represent.

But before you try our quiz, here are some examples to get you started:

The advertising executive drove a flashy red [convertible].

In this sentence convertible is the direct object of the verb drove.

Your homemade chili smells [delicious].

In this sentence delicious is the subject complement of the verb smells.

1. Kelly felt [drained] after competing in the 400-metre sprint.
2. Please [walk] to the other side of the parking lot while the firefighters inspect the building.
3. The way the principal handled the bullying case drew sharp [criticism].
4. In spite of the hot July weather, many of us felt [cold].
5. Her [love] of the ocean drove her to open a surf shop.
6. Susan brought [pastries] to work to celebrate Jack’s birthday.
7. The cable company has been mailing [us] many promotions.
8. There is no [milk] left in the fridge.
9. Jonathan sent [his grandmother] a postcard from Maine.
10. Mark [washes] the dishes every night after dinner.