Parts of sentences 1

Knowing the parts of sentences—subject, predicate, verb, direct object, indirect object and subject complement—helps writers construct clearer sentences. See if you can name the parts of the sentence of the words in square brackets below.

But before you try our quiz, here are some examples to get you started:

The advertising executive drove a flashy red [convertible].
In this sentence convertible is the direct object of the verb drove.

Your homemade chili smells [delicious].
In this sentence delicious is the subject complement of the verb smells.

1. The old house on the hill gave Nora [chills] and conjured up images of ghosts and monsters.
2. His [terror] of spiders kept him out of the dark basement.
3. Despite winning the lottery last week, my team leader still seems [unhappy].
4. Would you willingly [exchange] half your chocolate for a bag of chips?
5. I don't know how Emma can understand [anything] Luigi says.
6. Before the movie, Emma bought [Luigi] dinner.
7. Although the movie was exciting, Luigi grew [drowsy] and slept through it.
8. There were no [credits] after the movie.
9. Natalie and her new boyfriend, Luigi, will be [going] to the symphony next week.
10. The company has been mailing [me] CD catalogues ever since I bought my sound system.