Bring versus take

Bring and take are easily confused. If you're not sure when to use these tricky little verbs, here's a good rule of thumb: bring implies movement toward the speaker's current location, while take implies movement away from the speaker's current location. You can also use various definitions of bring and take to help you decide which verb to use.

Are you ready to bring your A game and take our quiz? In the questions below, choose the correct verb to complete the sentence.

1. Could you please Placeholder for the answer me a glass of water?
2. I have to Placeholder for the answer the car to the mechanic tomorrow.
3. How many suitcases have you Placeholder for the answer on this trip?
4. I'll remember to Placeholder for the answer my photo album to your house next time I come over.
5. I Placeholder for the answer the kids to the library yesterday.
6. I'll be Placeholder for the answer a warm sweater when I go to my cousin's house on Sunday.
7. My steak is overcooked! Please Placeholder for the answer it away.
8. Would you like me to Placeholder for the answer you the bill?
9. When Blake came to visit me, she Placeholder for the answer her baby with her.
10. Phones aren't permitted in the classroom. That's why I've Placeholder for the answer yours from you.