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Le Navigateur linguistique cherche simultanément dans tous les outils d’aide à la rédaction, jeux et billets de blogue du Portail linguistique du Canada. Il vous donne accès à tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour bien écrire en français et en anglais : articles sur des difficultés de langue, recommandations linguistiques, tableaux de conjugaison, suggestions de traductions et bien plus.

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Résultats 1 à 1 de 1 (page 1 de 1)

Fun facts about translation

An English quiz on the topic of translation, in which the user must answer various language-related questions.There are over 7 000 languages in the world, and not everyone speaks more than one! Translators play an important role in helping people to communicate.Take our quiz to learn some interesting facts about translation while putting your language skills to the test!1. French is one of the languages that most translated in the world.isare2. The Bible is thought to be the most translated publication. In the previous sentence, the modifier "most translated" is in the form.positivecomparativesuperlative3. In the following sentence, how should the title in brackets be formatted: The novel [The Little Prince] has been translated into hundreds of languages and dialects?Roman font, no quotation marksRoman font, in quotation marksitalic font, no quotation marks4. Over 600 000 people translation as a profession.practisepractice5. Identify the appositive in the following sentence: The Index Translationum, a UNESCO database, is a list of books translated in some 100 countries.a UNESCO databasetranslatedin some 100 countries6. "To translate," which means "to express the sense of a word in another language," is of Latin origin. In the previous sentence, "which" is a .personal pronounrelative pronoundemonstrative pronoun7. Identify the error in the following sentence: Predating the common era, it is believed that the translation profession is over 2 000 years old!dangling modifiercomma splicefaulty comparison8. Scientist Émilie de Breteuil translated Isaac Newton's law of universal gravitation into French. The French word for "scientist" is .scientistscientistescientifique9. Fill in the blank to make the following sentence parallel: The Cyrillic alphabet, named for translator Saint Cyril, is used today to write .Russian, Bulgarian and to write the Serbian languageRussian, Bulgarian and the Serbian languageRussian, Bulgarian and Serbian10. "Writers make national literature while translators make universal literature."" José Saramago noted "," José Saramago noted. "," José Saramago noted, "  
Source : Jeux du Portail linguistique du Canada
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