reference notes: endnotes


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Where notes are numerous and lengthy and include extensive comments by the author, use the endnote format to facilitate word-processing and cross-referencing and enhance the appearance of the text.

Number your references consecutively throughout the article or chapter, as in the case of footnotes, and present the notes in a reference list at the end of the article or chapter:

  • Notes to Chapter 2
    1. M. Fleming and W. H. Levie, eds., Instructional Message Design: Principles From the Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences, 2nd ed. (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Educational Technology Publications), 1993, pp. 34–57.
    2. Fleming and Levie, p. 66.
    3. B. Joyce, B. Showers, and C. Rolheiser-Bennett, “Staff Development and Student Learning: A Synthesis of Research on Models of Teaching,” Educational Leadership 45, 2 (1987): 11–23.

For detailed information on how to format a reference note for different types of sources, see the following articles:

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