bibliographies: secondary responsibility


Ce contenu est offert en anglais seulement.

Follow the guidelines below when the bibliographic entry includes the name of a person who has secondary responsibility for the work.

Writer of preface, foreword or introduction

Mention the name of the writer of the preface, foreword or introduction only if there is specific reference to that part of the book and if the writer is not the same as the author of the rest of the work. List the author of the cited preface, foreword or introduction, then the title of the book, followed by the name of the author of the book itself:

  • Atwood, Margaret. Afterword to A Jest of God, by Margaret Laurence.
    Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1993.

Compiler, editor, translator or illustrator

Place the name of a person or group who is not primarily responsible for the work itself (such as a compiler, editor, translator or illustrator) after the title, using the appropriate term or abbreviation (“Comp. by,” “Edited by,” “Trans. by,” “Illus. by”):

  • Wood, A. J. Errata: A Book of Historical Errors. Illus. by Hemesh Alles.
    Stewart House, 1992.
  • Laferrière, Dany. Eroshima. Trans. by David Homel. Toronto: Coach House,

Author not mentioned

If no author is mentioned, the name of the editor, translator or compiler takes the place of the author:

  • Bryden, Philip, Steven Davis and John Russell, eds. Protecting Rights and
    Freedoms: Essays on the Charter’s Place in Canada’s Political, Legal,
    and Intellectual Life
    . Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1994.

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© Sa Majesté le Roi du chef du Canada, représenté par le ou la ministre des Services publics et de l’Approvisionnement
Un outil créé et mis en ligne par le Bureau de la traduction, Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada

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