Test yourself—New questions from the inbox


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Is the sentence correct or does it contain a problem? Read the article New questions from the inbox to help you out.

1. Canada medalled in women’s speed skating again last night, making this the third podium visit for the women’s team in the past four days.
2. Zara is experienced in web design, social media and public relations; as such, she is a perfect fit for the job.
3. The Ribinskis’ application to build a combined House of Tacos and Paintball Park is the most intriguing we have seen all year, and we will progress it through council without delay.
4. Zara is an experienced web designer, social media consultant and public relations specialist; as such, she is a perfect fit for the job.
5. I would like to set the record straight, that is, to prove to you that I had nothing to do with the damage to Seth’s cubicle or the theft of his Darth Vader action figures.
6. MineXco has a strict protocol in place at its facilities to prevent any exceedance of pollutants and, as such, the company expects to improve its environmental performance in the coming year.

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