Test yourself—Commas that clutter: Unnecessary commas


Ce contenu est offert en anglais seulement.

Decide whether or not a comma is required where indicated. Read the article Commas that clutter: Unnecessary commas to help you out.

1. Tara decided she could save at least two hundred dollars a month[ ] by taking a lunch from home instead of eating in restaurants.
2. British Columbia, New Brunswick and Saskatchewan[ ] are the three provinces my uncle has never visited.
3. Everyone[ ] holding tickets to the 7:00 p.m. showing of the Rolling Stones movie should move to the front of the line.
4. The long[ ] involved discussions of new statistical theories were dry and uninspiring to many of the seminar participants.
5. Inventing vegetarian recipes[ ] and eating burgers are two of his favourite activities.
6. Maybe Lucy could give Ricky a lift[ ] before she goes back to town.
7. George and Marie stared in horror at the scratch running down the side of their new[ ] red Mercedes convertible.
8. Our knees shaking and our stomachs in knots, Yvette and I slowly opened the huge[ ] oak door.

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