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Results 1 to 10 of 161 (page 1 of 17)

Subject-verb agreement with collective nouns

A quiz on subject-verb agreement with collective nounsDoes a singular collective noun take a singular or plural verb? Well, it depends. If the collective noun refers to the group as a unit, then it takes a singular verb. If it refers to the individuals in the group or the parts that make up the group, then the verb should be plural. In the following sentences, decide whether the collective noun requires the singular or plural verb.1. This organization on a barbecue every summer.putsput2. The flute ensemble tuning; itsare; their3. The flute ensemble playing at the Kiwanis Music Festival.isare4. Martin's family to vacation in Haida Gwaii this summer.plansplan5. A huge swarm of locusts destroyed the crops.hashave6. The pack of dogs running off in different directions.waswere7. Every fall, the English class book reports on summer reading.writes; itswrite; their  
Source: Quizzes on the Language Portal of Canada
Number of views: 418,269

Subject-verb agreement: Advanced

An advanced English-language quiz on subject-verb agreement.Writing is a little like math. Let us explain! In math, we know that two sides of an equation must be equal—in a sense, they have to agree. In writing, subjects and present-tense verbs must also agree: if the subject is singular, so is the verb; if the subject is plural, so is the verb. In the following sentences, see if you can choose the verb that agrees with its subject.1. The frogs at the cottage very loudly.croakscroak2. The horses wildly across the field.gallopsgallop3. The herd of horses wildly across the field.gallopsgallop4. There been many hurricanes this year.hashave5. The woman with all the cats here regularly.shopsshop6. The mascot, as well as the hockey players, at the school.volunteervolunteers7. The hockey players and the mascot at the school.volunteervolunteers8. The hockey players or the mascot at the school.volunteervolunteers  
Source: Quizzes on the Language Portal of Canada
Number of views: 372,797

Transitive and intransitive verbs 1

An English-language quiz on transitive and intransitive verbs.Action verbs can be transitive or intransitive, or both. Transitive verbs take a direct object—a word or word group that answers the questions what? or whom? after the verb. Intransitive verbs do not take an object.To see if you understand the difference between these two types of verbs, try your hand at this quiz.1. Cody passed the book to Paul.transitiveintransitive2. Moira and Jack sang at the school concert.transitiveintransitive3. The Houghmans dance regularly.transitiveintransitive4. Kathy lies in the hammock on summer afternoons.transitiveintransitive5. The captain married John and Marlene during the cruise.transitiveintransitive6. Geoffrey bought the boat yesterday.transitiveintransitive7. Jordan's sympathies rest with the defendant.transitiveintransitive  
Source: Quizzes on the Language Portal of Canada
Number of views: 330,605

Verb agreement with “either” and “neither”

An English-language quiz on verb agreement with either and neither.Either and neither are masters of disguise! They can be pronouns; and if so, they're always singular. Or they can be part of a two-part conjunction (either … or, neither … nor) joining two or more subjects. In that case, the verb must agree with the nearer subject.In the questions below, decide whether either and neither are singular subjects or conjunctions joining subjects. And when you’ve figured that out and you know what the subject is, pick the verb that agrees.1. Neither of them how to get to Red Deer.knowknows2. It will be hard for them to get there, as neither Kate nor her friends how to drive.knowknows3. Usually, either my niece or my nephew me up at the airport.pickspick4. either of you speak Russian?DoDoes5. Did you know that neither Norway nor Switzerland in the European Union?isare6. Either Tracy or her sisters supposed to prepare dinner, but nothing is ready.waswere7. Neither of my daughters old enough to go on that amusement ride.lookslook8. It’s a shame that neither the pink one nor the white one in size 16.comecomes9. Either he or you to clean up this room.hashave10. Either fine with me.isare  
Source: Quizzes on the Language Portal of Canada
Number of views: 103,386

Subject-verb agreement: Compound subjects

A quiz on subject-verb agreement with compound subjectsWhen writing in the present tense, we must make sure that a singular subject is partnered with a singular verb and a plural subject with a plural verb. Matching subjects and verbs sounds easy, but sometimes it can be confusing. One common source of confusion is a compound subject. In the following sentences, see if you can choose the verb that agrees with its subject.1. Macaroni and cheese a favourite dish among children.areis2. Neither Victor's sisters nor his brother visited Newfoundland and Labrador.havehas3. Rajeev's wife and soulmate long walks on the beach at sunrise.enjoysenjoy4. Both Shari and I watching old movies.likeslike5. Daniela or her children making brownies for the party.isare6. either Banshee or her puppies been vaccinated against rabies?HaveHas7. My brother Lucas and his best friend Eli every year to clean up the park.volunteervolunteers  
Source: Quizzes on the Language Portal of Canada
Number of views: 86,110

Verb moods 1

An English-language quiz on verb moods.Verbs, like people, have moods—three, in fact: indicative, imperative and subjunctive. And like people’s moods, verb moods reveal attitudes: specifically, the writer’s or speaker’s attitude about what is being said.Is the writer or speaker stating a fact or opinion, or asking a question (indicative)? Giving a command or a direction (imperative)? Expressing a suggestion, requirement or desire, or stating an imaginary or hypothetical condition (subjunctive)? The verb moods will tell you.If you think you are up to the challenge, try to identify the mood of the verbs in square brackets in the following sentences.1. Victor [enjoys] skating; however, he [doesn't skate] very often.indicativeimperativesubjunctive2. Please [don't forget] to water the plants.indicativeimperativesubjunctive3. Today, I [am meeting] my friends for a coffee at the Corner Café.indicativeimperativesubjunctive4. I suggest that you [dress] warmly because the temperature is dropping.indicativeimperativesubjunctive5. [Do] you [know] where everyone has gone?indicativeimperativesubjunctive6. [Watch out] for the puddle!indicativeimperativesubjunctive7. To protect your head from a fall, it is important that you [wear] a helmet.indicativeimperativesubjunctive8. If I [were] to be late, you would have to leave without me.indicativeimperativesubjunctive9. Please [help] yourself to some homemade soup and crusty bread.indicativeimperativesubjunctive10. If they [were seen] breaking into the building, they will face charges.indicativeimperativesubjunctive  
Source: Quizzes on the Language Portal of Canada
Number of views: 80,328

Subject-verb agreement with “none”

A quiz on subject-verb agreement with the indefinite pronoun none.At one time, the verb that followed none was always singular. Now, the choice of the verb depends on the context. See if you know when the verb should be singular or plural in the following sentences.1. None of the cake been eaten by the partygoers.hashaveeither2. None of the students invited to make a speech.waswereeither3. None of these swimmers their flippers in the pool.wearsweareither4. None of the money ever found.waswereeither5. None of the experts with the research findings.agreesagreeeither6. None of these actors an Oscar winner.isareeither7. None of these athletes to sell their equipment.plansplaneither8. None of the clothing appropriate for the event.seemsseemeither  
Source: Quizzes on the Language Portal of Canada
Number of views: 55,119

Subject-verb agreement

An English-language quiz on subject-verb agreement.Singular subjects take singular verbs while plural subjects take plural verbs. This is one of the basic and most straightforward grammar rules. Yet sometimes it's not so easy to decide whether the subject is singular or plural. See if you can choose the verb form that goes with the subject in each of these sentences.1. The use of natural vitamins and herbs becoming increasingly popular.isare2. The new policy analyst is one of the employees who responsible for drafting initiatives.isare3. Either Marcie's neighbours or her son after her dog when she is out of town.lookslook4. Two thirds of the department in favour of the new policy.waswere5. The committee members but not the chair decided to vote for the proposal.hashave6. Paul together with his three brothers to cycle across Canada this summer.plansplan7. The hospital's senior physician and administrator, Dr. Black, the annual report.preparesprepare  
Source: Quizzes on the Language Portal of Canada
Number of views: 52,856

Subject-verb agreement with “number,” “range” and “total”

A quiz on verb agreement with number, range and total.Collective nouns such as number, range and total can be troublesome in terms of subject-verb agreement. In the sentences below, decide whether the sentence needs a singular or plural verb.1. The number of survey respondents dismally low.waswere2. A range of dresses been designed for the fashion show.hashave3. A number of partygoers dressing up for the occasion.isare4. A total of 12 students chosen to go to Paris.waswere5. The total of the company's assets staggering!isare6. The range of ideas at the conference very inspiring.waswere7. A number of candidates tied for first.hashave  
Source: Quizzes on the Language Portal of Canada
Number of views: 40,553

Verb tenses: Context is everything

An English-language quiz on when to use different verb tensesVerb tenses give us information about when an action is taking place: in the past, present or future. The sequence of verb tenses tells us when one action takes place relative to another action. For example, is one action completed before another in the past? Is one action ongoing when another takes place? The verb tenses will tell you!Up to the challenge? Try your hand at the questions below!1. By the time you come back, I to the library.will gowill be goingwill have gone2. Juno was studying in her room when, all of a sudden, the telephone .rangwas ringinghad rung3. Malcolm his hair every morning.washesis washinghas washed4. The hockey team has been practising for weeks to be ready for the tournaments it in.will playwill have playedwill have been playing5. The company has received hundreds of applications; as a result, it interviews later than expected.will startwill have startedwill have been starting6. Now that I the book, I agree with Ashley that it has the best ending of all time!readam readinghave read7. Every time I go to his house, he .gardensis gardeningwill garden8. While the professor was lecturing, the student detailed notes.will takewas takingwill have been taking9. I to surprise you with breakfast before you woke up, but I slept in!will planplanhad planned10. We usually a movie on Friday nights.watchhad watchedwill watch  
Source: Quizzes on the Language Portal of Canada
Number of views: 24,976