Subject-verb agreement: Compound subjects

When writing in the present tense, we must make sure that a singular subject is partnered with a singular verb and a plural subject with a plural verb. Matching subjects and verbs sounds easy, but sometimes it can be confusing. One common source of confusion is a compound subject. In the following sentences, see if you can choose the verb that agrees with its subject.

1. Macaroni and cheese Placeholder for the answer a favourite dish among children.
2. Neither Victor's sisters nor his brother Placeholder for the answer visited Newfoundland and Labrador.
3. Rajeev's wife and soulmate Placeholder for the answer long walks on the beach at sunrise.
4. Both Shari and I Placeholder for the answer watching old movies.
5. Daniela or her children Placeholder for the answer making brownies for the party.
6. Placeholder for the answer either Banshee or her puppies been vaccinated against rabies?
7. My brother Lucas and his best friend Eli Placeholder for the answer every year to clean up the park.