Why I love learning French

Posted on June 11, 2018

I recently started taking French classes again after 30 years, and I'm really enjoying it. According to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (a guideline developed by the Council of Europe to assess language levels), I'm at the upper intermediate level. And I'm amazed at how much I can still remember from my younger years!

I loved learning French back then; and I still do now, for 3 reasons: it's fun, it's rewarding, and it fits my learning style.

How it's fun

First of all, it's fun because I feel like a 10-year-old kid again, learning for the very first time. But this time around, everyone in my class is at the same level. It's reassuring to know that we're all experiencing some fear and feeling silly at times.

Another thing that's fun is that we all come from different backgrounds and have different life experiences. It's fascinating to watch how everyone develops the grammar, reading, writing, listening and conversation skills differently.

And our instructor really knows how to make the class enjoyable. Not only is she enthusiastic and patient with us, but she also keeps the class at a good pace so that everyone is engaged.

How it's rewarding

In addition to being fun, the class has proven to be a very rewarding experience for me. For one thing, in our technology-driven world, it's refreshing for me to learn face to face. Technology is a helpful tool, but it's more satisfying to interact with a native speaker who can give me detailed feedback and encourage me.

But what really matters is our own personal desire and motivation. In my case, learning French has given my life new meaning during a time of transition. I'm learning French because I want to, not because it's required. And that makes all the difference!

How it fits my learning style

Finally, the approach we're using fits my learning style for different reasons. One is the pace. Learning a language can't be rushed. I like the fact that there's a well-defined learning pathway that allows me to progress in stages, at a comfortable rate.

In addition, the learning method used is very systematic, and I'm good at recognizing patterns. For example, when a new word, expression or phrase is introduced, I learn how to use it grammatically in a sentence. Next, I learn how it sounds phonetically in order to say it properly. This process continues until everything becomes easy to recognize and second nature. The important thing is to make sure that every day I have some exposure to the language.

Also, I learn best when more than one part of my brain is involved in the learning process. In our class, we use both visuals and audio to learn the French language, so different parts of my brain are working together to process all the information. It's exciting when it all comes together and starts to click!

For all of the above reasons, coming back to the study of French as an adult has turned out to be a great decision. I can say with enthusiasm, "Apprendre le français, c'est une bonne idée!"

How about you? Have you enjoyed improving your skills in a second (or third) language? Let me know in a comment!


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Get to know Jennifer S.

Jennifer S.

Jennifer has travelled, studied, and worked in the hospitality industry and health care. She hopes to continue pursuing her lifelong passion for learning French and become fluent.

Jennifer encourages everyone to use the excellent resources available on the Language Portal of Canada.


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Submitted by Robert on September 19, 2020, at 9:59

Moi aussi!! I started learning French two years ago and l’m absolutely hooked on the language. I wish I had taken it more seriously back when I was a kid in school.

Submitted by Davud Ejeafj on January 23, 2021, at 5:57

I am learning French too. You inspired me not to quit. Thank you!

Submitted by Jennifer on February 8, 2021, at 18:50

Keep at it Davud! It takes a long time to learn a second language, but it's one of the most rewarding things in life.

Submitted by French tutor on August 14, 2023, at 8:52

Choosing a native French tutor leads to better learning outcomes, and you can conveniently find a suitable private tutor through dedicated language learning platforms. To find the perfect tutor for your needs, make direct inquiries about the classes.