Blog posts in the category: Business communication

From: Translation Bureau

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Post title Author Posting date Number of views Number of comments
4 simple tips for writing an effective speech Stanley Igboanugo 3732 3
5 tips to improve your email writing skills Catherine Haggerty 213774 64
Creating a bilingual lexicon: A collaborative approach Christiane Arsenault 4270 0
How to deliver bad news Sheila Ethier 10271 9
How to evaluate using the sandwich method Anvita Saxena 31027 10
Living and working in French in the National Capital Region Catherine Larose 5932 1
Making letters and emails gender-inclusive Josephine Versace 274034 33
Writing a summary Elva Keip 2491 2
Writing as an organizational communication tool Yasmina El Jamaï 1308 0