tout porte à croire que: suggested translations


Ce contenu est offert en anglais seulement.

Consult this page to find suggested English equivalents for "tout porte à croire que."

all evidence points to, all indications are that, all indications show that, by all accounts, everything points to, everything suggests that, evidence suggests that, indications are that, it appears that, it looks as if, it looks like, it seems that, there are indications that, there is a good possibility that, there is ample evidence that, there is a strong indication that, there is a strong possibility that, there is every expectation that, there is every indication that, there is every reason to believe that, there is every reason to think that, there is evidence to suggest that, there is good reason to believe that, there is good reason to think that, there is plenty of evidence that

  • tout porte à croire que l’annonce sera faite le mois prochain / all evidence (everything) points to the announcement being made next month
  • tout porte à croire que ces contrats seront reconduits / all indications are (show) that these contracts will be renewed
  • tout porte à croire que les chiffres seront encore plus bas cette année / by all accounts the numbers will be lower this year
  • tout porte à croire que le ministère maintiendra ces services / everything (evidence) suggests that the department will maintain these services
  • tout porte à croire que le nombre de gens touchés par le tsunami accroîtra / indications are (there are indications, there is a strong indication) that the number of people affected by the tsunami will increase
  • tout porte à croire que l’intérêt mondial pour ces produits continuera de croître / it appears (seems) that global demand for these products will continue to grow
  • tout porte à croire que le comité approuvera le projet / it looks as if (it looks like) the committee will approve the project
  • tout porte à croire que nous sommes d’accord à ce sujet / it seems that we agree on this subject
  • tout porte à croire que la réunion sera annulée / there is a good (strong) possibility that the meeting will be cancelled
  • tout porte à croire que la main-d’œuvre subit une transformation importante / there is ample (plenty of) evidence that the workforce is undergoing a substantial change
  • tout porte à croire qu’un tel système réussira / there is every expectation (indication) that such a system will succeed
  • tout porte à croire qu’ils prendront de bonnes décisions / there is every reason to believe (think) that they will make sound decisions
  • tout porte à croire que les conditions s’améliorent / there is evidence to suggest that conditions are improving
  • tout porte à croire qu’on peut remporter un succès comparable / there is good reason to believe (think) that similar successes can be achieved

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