The singular “they” is gaining acceptance

Posted on October 23, 2017

Everyone knows that in English, third-person singular pronouns are “he,” “she,” “one” and “it.”

We’ve moved past the notion that the male pronouns can stand in for all humans. But that leaves us with constructions like the one below, right?

   “Everyone should take his or her books.”

Well, actually, no.

If you do some digging into the history of English usage, you’ll discover that the rule about male pronouns being used to stand in for male and female was an invention of Victorian grammarians. And that it used to be common to use “they” when referring to a person whose gender you didn’t know.

As James Harbeck points out in his blog post called “they”, “… for centuries, English speakers used ‘they’ for gender-indeterminate third person singular, and no one complained.” Even Shakespeare used it.

Things changed in the 1700s

Harbeck goes into a bit of detail, if you want to read more about how this imposed rule came about. Not surprisingly, it was influenced by beliefs, not by speaking and writing patterns that people commonly use.

But singular “they” has stood its ground

In fact, the singular “they” now has 2 uses:

  • One is for referring to people when you’re not sure of their gender and you don’t want to use “he”
Example: “Everyone should take their books.”
  • The other is for referring to people who don’t identify with “he” or “she” as a gender
Example: “Chris should take their books.”

There are some fancy names for the two uses, but they can be hard to remember, especially if you aren’t into that aspect of grammar.

Gretchen McCulloch, a linguist, sums it up nicely, saying that the two types of singular “they” are specific and nonspecific. She gave examples in a tweet, quoted below:

“Nonspecific singular they: ‘someone left their umbrella’

Specific singular they: ‘Alex left their umbrella’"

Here’s what people are doing now

The “rule” that “they” can’t be used in the singular is deeply rooted in people’s minds. So are editors, linguists and style guides saying anything about it? Yes, they are, and they’re certainly saying a lot.

It’s been a hot topic among language professionals for some time, and it really peaked in recent years. Here are some of the most significant announcements.

But it looks funny

You’ll run into people who say that it’s incorrect or it looks funny or they don’t like it. No one is saying we have to use it. But saying someone can’t or shouldn’t use it is wrong.

Learn more

Read up on the history of the singular “they” and the discussions language professionals are having about it so that you can decide what you’ll do (and what you’ll say to people who still say it’s wrong to use). I’ve compiled the following list:

Over 100 articles on the singular “they” (DOC)

And if you’ve found any other resources on the topic, feel free to share them in the comments below.


The opinions expressed in posts and comments published on the Our Languages blog are solely those of the authors and commenters and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Language Portal of Canada.

Get to know Gael Spivak

Gael Spivak

Gael Spivak works in communications for the federal government. She specializes in plain language writing and editing. She’s a former president of the Editors' Association of Canada and the current chair of the Localization and Implementation Committee (for the ISO plain language standard), International Plain Language Federation.

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Submitted by Manpreet Singh Brar on September 7, 2023, at 13:36

In the conclusion people came to know about the genders singular and plurals like [ he, she ] before this invention, everyone call each other they.

Submitted by Sharon Stewart on October 23, 2017, at 17:04

I'm an editor who endorses what Gael says. I use the epicene "they" whenever I can (I'm educating clients about it, too). I like the categories here: nonspecific and specific.

Submitted by Gael Spivak on October 23, 2017, at 18:18

Sharon, you can see Gretchen's tweet here:

Submitted by Desmond Fisher on November 17, 2017, at 10:22

Apparently the New York Times is still living in the past:

Submitted by Rex Button on March 22, 2018, at 15:17

In “Chris should take their books”, is the possessive 'their' meant to refer to Chris, or to a separate possessor? I guess context would lend clarity but I must say, I'd have a very hard time accepting the former sense.

Submitted by Our Languages blog on March 26, 2018, at 11:04

Thank you for your question! Yes, that’s right, in the example “Chris should take their books,” the possessive “their” refers to Chris. The example is illustrating how to refer to a person who doesn’t identify as either male or female and therefore prefers the gender-neutral “they” to “he” or “she.”
But as you have recognized, there’s a strong risk of confusion from this use of singular “they.” So if the context does not provide enough clarity, the Language Portal would recommend using another solution to avoid “he” or “she”: repeat the person’s name; for example, “Chris brought Chris’s books.” This solution will be repetitious, but it will accommodate the wishes of the non-binary person without creating confusion.

Submitted by Masha Davidović on February 16, 2022, at 9:23

For the record, the same confusion is entirely possible in the sentence "Chris should take his books" - there is nothing in the sentence itself to clarify whether "his books" is referring to Chris's own books or to the books of somebody else whose pronoun is "he". The potential confusion engendered by "they" in the first sentence is not at all different in kind; the only evident difference is that the possible separate possessor might be of any gender or plural. In either case, though, context is decisive and further elucidation may be unavoidable.

Submitted by Maninderjit Singh on September 6, 2023, at 22:27

The people who can't be identified by he or she, can be identified by "they".