correlative conjunctions: both … and


Ce contenu est offert en anglais seulement.

The correlative conjunction both … and co-ordinates two or more words, phrases or clauses.

Parallelism with “both … and”

Note that the constructions following these correlatives should be parallel in structure. That is, if you use a phrase after one, you must use a phrase after the other; if you use a verb after one, you must use a verb after the other; and so on.

  • Incorrect: Ann enjoyed camping both on the mountains and prairies. [one phrase and one noun]
  • Correct: Ann enjoyed camping both on the mountains and on the prairies. [both phrases]
  • Incorrect: Nenad liked both to cycle and jog. [one to-infinitive and one bare infinitive]
  • Correct: Nenad liked both to cycle and to jog. [both to-infinitives]
  • Correct: Nenad liked to both cycle and jog. [both bare infinitives]

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