Ce contenu est offert en anglais seulement.
When it is mentioned together with the capitalized names of other planets or stars, “Earth” is generally capitalized and used without the definite article “the.”
- When will the first colonists leave Earth to settle on Mars?
- Alpha Centauri is over 4 light years away from Earth.
In other contexts, references to our planet do not require a capital.
- The earth revolves around the sun.
- Why on earth does she want that job?
References to the soil, adjectival uses (e.g. “earth sciences”) and combined forms (e.g. “earthworm”) also remain in lower case.
- Kenneth enjoyed gardening because the warm earth smelled of summer.
- Sarah is a genuine earth mother, caring for every living creature she encounters.
- Some anglers prefer earthworms as bait; others insist on minnows.
- Alia’s fear of flying kept her earthbound.
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