héberger: suggested translations

Consult this page to find suggested English equivalents for "héberger."

accept, accommodate, billet, board, bring, foster, give a home to, give shelter to, harbour, host, house, lodge, provide accommodation for, provide accommodation to, provide housing for, provide lodging for, provide shelter for, put up, receive, shelter, take in

  • héberger 5 000 réfugiés pendant un certain temps / accept (receive) 5,000 refugees on a temporary basis
  • un navire qui peut héberger plus de 100 passagers à bord / a vessel that can accommodate more than 100 passengers
  • héberger les joueurs de hockey junior / billet (board) junior hockey players
  • nous avons offert d’héberger des réfugiés au Canada / we have offered to bring the refugees to Canada
  • héberger des chiots destinés au programme de formation des chiens-guides / foster puppies for the guide-dog training program
  • héberger des sinistrés pendant quelques semaines / give a home to disaster victims for several weeks
  • remercier toutes les personnes qui ont hébergé ces gens / thank all those who gave shelter to (put up) these people
  • rendre illégal le fait d’héberger sciemment un terroriste / make it illegal to knowingly harbour a terrorist
  • héberger ce site sur un serveur dédié / host the site on a dedicated server
  • un nouvel organisme de surveillance qui sera hébergé à Santé Canada / a new monitoring agency to be housed within Health Canada
  • il n’y a pas d’endroit pour héberger les participants / there are no facilities to lodge the participants
  • ouvrir un centre destiné à héberger les enfants handicapés / open a centre to provide accommodation for (to) children with disabilities
  • héberger temporairement des centaines de familles / provide temporary housing for hundreds of families
  • ces institutions hébergent des personnes âgées / these institutions provide lodging (shelter) for the elderly
  • préciser les mesures que le gouvernement prendra pour héberger les sans-abri / outline the steps the government will take to shelter the homeless
  • héberger plusieurs enfants en famille d’accueil / take in a number of foster children

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© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Public Services and Procurement
A tool created and made available online by the Translation Bureau, Public Services and Procurement Canada

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