Video: Discover the Language Portal of Canada

Video transcript – Discover the Language Portal of Canada

Start of video


(A cross-fade appears, followed by an image entitled “Resources of the Language Portal of Canada” with, underneath, the text “, Translation Bureau.” The narrator can be seen on the left of the screen. Gradually, four icons appear around the text: a globe, a magnifying glass, people and books.)

You’re writing a text, and you have a question?

Need to translate an English or French term?

Check out the Language Portal of Canada!

(The video then continues with an open laptop whose screen shows the main page of the Resources of the Language Portal of Canada website. Stacks of books appear around the laptop.)

This website managed by the Translation Bureau provides a wide range of free language resources.

(The items disappear. A tablet appears, and the screen shows the main web page of Resources of the Language Portal of Canada, followed by the Language Navigator page and, lastly, the TERMIUM Plus® page.)

Whether you want to look up a grammar rule or check your punctuation, trust the tools developed by language experts.

(The image disappears. We now see the narrator. Five icons appear above him and form a semicircle. These icons feature people in different fields.)

Students, teachers, editors, business people, the Portal has something of value for you.

(The video continues with a tablet whose screen shows the “Quizzes on the Language Portal of Canada” web page, followed by the “Quizzes on grammar and syntax” page. The screen scrolls down to show the list of quizzes.)

The Portal also has a wide array of language quizzes to test your knowledge of English and French …

(The image disappears. We now see the narrator. Five rectangular shapes appear around him. The following terms are written inside these shapes: Indigenous languages, Writing resources, Glossaries and dictionaries, Language learning, and Our Languages blog.)

A collection of Canadian language resources …

And a blog where you can read posts written by language lovers.

(The initial image, entitled “Resources of the Language Portal of Canada,” reappears. The narrator is on the left of the screen.)

The Language Portal of Canada: the go-to site for writing!

(On a white background, an orange band appears, reading “Visit”)

(On a white background, the Public Services and Procurement Canada departmental signature appears.)

(On a white background, the wordmark “Canada” appears.)

End of the video