Honouring Indigenous Peoples

Try our quiz to learn about Indigenous Peoples and test your knowledge of certain points of English too!

1. In Canada, the term “Placeholder for the answer” refers to an Indigenous grouping composed of many different nations having their own origin, history and culture, and whose members have called North America home from time immemorial.
2. The epic poem The Song of Hiawatha is based on Ojibwe legends Placeholder for the answer the real Hiawatha was an important Iroquois leader.
3. Inuktut is the native language of Placeholder for the answer.
4. Six Nations, the largest reserve in Placeholder for the answer is home to members of all six Iroquois nations.
5. The word “caribou” comes from the Placeholder for the answer language.
6. Michif is the traditional language of the Métis peoples in the Canadian Placeholder for the answer it is mainly a mixture of Cree and French.
7. In Canada, the preferred collective term for First Nations, Inuit and Métis is Placeholder for the answer Peoples.
8. The Placeholder for the answer are the largest group of First Nations in Canada.
9. The Constitution of the Haida Nation states, “Like the forests, the roots of our people are intertwined such that the greatest troubles cannot overcome Placeholder for the answer
10. The traditional hunting grounds of the Siksika, or Blackfoot, were the buffalo ranges in Placeholder for the answer Alberta and Placeholder for the answer Montana.