Dinner is served: The culinary delights of Francophone immigrants in Canada

Each year in November, the Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada coordinates National Francophone Immigration Week in partnership with provincial and territorial Francophone Immigration Networks.

In this food-themed quiz, we invite you to explore the characteristic flavours of the Francophonie. Try not to get hungry!

1. Couscous, a traditional dish of North Africa that has spread to many neighboring cultures, is generally considered to be of Placeholder for the answer origin.
2. Which word refers to a popular cooking technique used in the Congo? Hint: Cooks use this technique to steam food (often fish) in banana leaf packets.
3. "Rice stuck with peas" (or rice and beans) is Haiti's signature dish. You might see it listed as "national rice" on the menu of your local Placeholder for the answer restaurant.
4. Which of the following dishes is a bean and meat stew typical of southern France? Hint: It was apparently invented during the Hundred Years' War (14th and 15th centuries).
5. Many Cameroonians consume root vegetables and tubers, such as Placeholder for the answer, cocoyams, sweet potatoes, potatoes and yams, as part of their daily diet.
6. "Thiof steaks" are one of the ingredients in several recipes for thieboudienne, which is Senegal's national dish. What does "steak" mean in this context?
7. In the Maghreb, more specifically in Morocco and Tunisia, cooks use a clay casserole called a Placeholder for the answer to make traditional stews that bear the same name.
8. Lebanese food is a perfect example of the variety in Mediterranean cuisine. With Placeholder for the answer, tabbouleh, shish taouk, kafta and baklava, Lebanon is a dream country for foodies!
9. In Congolese cuisine, what does the word pondu refer to?
10. France is well known for its cheeses. There are over a thousand of them, but only 46 cheeses have the PDO label. What does PDO refer to?