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Submitted by Paul Kelley on December 25, 2022, at 17:41

I was checking my old spelling book from elementary school , published in Toronto and authorized by the Ministry of Education for Ontario,in the early 60's and it notes with an asterisk to the teacher that while the spelling of colour and parlour are the most common form in Canada that spelling color and parlor without the u are acceptable and that no student shall be penalized for spelling them that way in any test or examination. We were taught to spell programme as were most if not all government documents at the time. Interestingly though all Canadian government documents now spell it program and nary a peep to be heard. But drop that u from colour and you get a tsunami of critics. I often wonder if those same critics who claim Canadian spelling is the same as British spelling actually spell words like "tire as tyre" "curb as kerb" etc.