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Submitted by Tom Hawk on June 17, 2021, at 16:46

I'm Canadian but I'm also a citizen of the UK. I've always tended toward the British side of spelling with words like "specialise" and "analyse". It's mostly because the first books I read as a child were all from the UK or Ireland and so that spelling always felt more natural to me. Words that were learnt later on in life like "encyclopedia" and "aluminum" tend to use the American spellings. However there are some glaring exceptions to that rule. A couple that I can think of off the top of my head is that I spell "manoeuvre" instead of "maneuver" and "learnt" instead of "learned".
There are some irregularities in the way Americans spell that has me scratching my head. Like, Sabre becomes Saber, Centre becomes Center, Metre becomes Meter but Tyre doesn't become Tyer, Apple doesn't become Appel and Able doesn't become Abel.