Reply to comment about "Why Canadian spelling is different"


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Submitted by Sheila on May 25, 2018, at 16:35

Hi, Anvita,
Thank you for your comment. Spellcheckers that don’t recognize Canadian spelling can certainly be aggravating! Thank goodness we can set our language preference in Word! I always set it to “English (Canada)” so that I’m not corrected when I type words like “honour” or “practise.” I was intrigued by the long list of possibilities for English in Word, and decided one day to count them. There is a separate setting for 18 different varieties of English, including not only Canadian, British and American, but also Australian, Irish, Indian, Jamaican and South African, to name just a few! That should certainly help if we ever find ourselves writing for audiences even farther afield than the U.S.!