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Submitted by Samson Young on October 4, 2023, at 14:51

Hello Violet:
That is awesome!
That is my own personal experience as well. I compare learning a new language to learning how to play a new piece of musical instrument or a new sport activity, it's hard for the very first one and; but as you said; it becomes easier for the 3rd, 4th, 5th and so on. I am now learning Russian and Swahili online. Swahili I had some exposure to it while I was on my peacekeeping mission in the Eastern side of the Democratic Republic of Congo. It's a very cool language. Russian too, it's quite tough but with my Spanish 'RR' I can roll my tongue with the Russian 'P'. A simple word such as a salutation 'здровствьуйте' (literally means 'be healthy', which is equal to French 'salut', Spanish 'Hola' or English 'How do you do') which has many consonants strung together as if it were to be written in Latin alphabet it would be like 'zdravstvuitje'!!! But it's awesomely fun to learn too, in both writing and trying to pronounce the Russian words...