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A verb must agree in number with its subject. A singular subject must be matched with a singular verb and a plural subject with a plural verb.
Words that come between the subject and the verb—called interrupting words—can create confusion. These word groups can make a singular subject look plural, or a plural subject look singular, and can lead to subject-verb agreement problems.
Singular subjects that look plural
A group of words that modifies a subject can make a singular subject look plural. For example, we might not be sure whether to use a singular or a plural verb in the following sentence:
- The pack of wolves howl/howls at the moon every night.
Because the plural word wolves is next to the verb, we might think that we need a plural verb: wolves howl. But the true subject is pack, not wolves. Of wolves is a prepositional phrase modifying the subject pack. Because the subject pack is singular, the verb should be howls:
- The pack of wolves howls at the moon every night.
Here are some more examples of sentences with confusing word groups between the subject and its verb:
- The country having the most lakes is Canada. [The true subject is country, not lakes. Therefore, a singular verb is needed.]
- The dog that has all the cuts was in a fight. [The true subject is dog, not cuts. Therefore, a singular verb is needed.]
Don’t be fooled by phrases such as along with, in addition to and together with. They can also make subjects look plural. However, the words that follow these phrases are not part of the true subject.
Here are some examples:
- The little girl, along with all her friends, plays the violin. [The true subject is girl, not friends. Therefore, a singular verb is needed.]
- Skating, in addition to hockey and curling, is offered at the local arena. [The true subject is skating, not hockey and curling. Therefore, a singular verb is needed.]
- The manager, together with his employees, works late on Thursdays. [The true subject is manager, not employees. Therefore, a singular verb is needed.]
Plural subjects that look singular
A group of words that modifies a subject can also make a plural subject look singular.
Here are some examples:
- The members of the committee meet monthly in Toronto. [The true subject is members, not committee. Therefore, a plural verb is needed.]
- The new Canadians, one of whom is from Japan, are learning French. [The true subject is Canadians, not one or Japan. Therefore, a plural verb is needed.]
- Students registered in the program are eligible for a scholarship. [The true subject is students, not program. Therefore, a plural verb is needed.]
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