United Kingdom, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, UK, U.K.


Ce contenu est offert en anglais seulement.

The name United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland may be shortened to United Kingdom. Note that the article the often precedes United Kingdom but is not capitalized.

  • Some of the most dramatic scenery in the United Kingdom is found in Wales.

Both U.K. and UK are used as abbreviations. Although the traditional practice is to use periods in the abbreviations for geographical names, there is a growing trend to drop the periods in such abbreviations. Thus, the government of the United Kingdom calls itself the UK Government (not U.K.).

  • Because his grandfather was born in Scotland, Nigel is a citizen of the U.K., even though he has never been there.
  • Northern Ireland is part of the UK, while the Republic of Ireland is not.

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