Ce contenu est offert en anglais seulement.
Any complete sentence has two main parts, called the subject and the predicate. The subject is what the sentence is about; it is often a noun or a pronoun. The predicate is the part of the sentence that makes a statement about the subject; the main part of the predicate is the verb.
Usually, the subject comes before the predicate in an English sentence:
- Janet and Alex went out for dinner. [subject = Janet and Alex; predicate = went out for dinner]
- They ordered green curry and rice. [subject = They; predicate = ordered green curry and rice]
However, the subject isn’t always first. There are three situations in which the subject appears after the verb instead of before it.
- In most questions:
- Are you ready?
(The subject you appears after the verb are.) - Did I forget to feed my iguana again?
(The subject I is placed after the helping verb did.)
- Are you ready?
- In many sentences beginning with here or there:
- Here comes the jury.
(The subject jury appears after the verb comes.) - There were fifteen cats and an eviction notice on Janet’s front porch.
(The subject fifteen cats and an eviction notice is placed after the verb were.)
- Here comes the jury.
- In some sentences beginning with one or more prepositional phrases:
- Across the clearing and through the stream ran the frightened deer.
(The subject deer appears after the verb ran.)
- Across the clearing and through the stream ran the frightened deer.
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