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The uses of the question mark are explained below.
On this page
- Direct questions
- Requests and indirect questions
- Exclamatory elements
- Uncertain or missing information
Direct questions
The main purpose of the question mark is to indicate the end of a direct question, sometimes even if the sentence is declarative or imperative in form:
- Doctor Livingstone, I presume?
- Surely not?
- Give him more time? Don’t make me laugh.
- I don’t suppose you’d have another one in the same colour?
A question mark may be used for each query within a sentence:
- Managers must ask themselves: How will this proposal affect cost?
productivity? employee satisfaction?
Requests and indirect questions
Opinions differ as to whether a polite request of the type May I …, Would you … or Will you … requires the question mark. However, a question mark will look out of place after longer requests of this kind, especially if the sentence embodies straightforward affirmative elements:
- May I escort you to your car?
- Will you come this way, please.
- Will you please go—before I have you thrown out.
Although the question mark is normally omitted after indirect questions, one may be added if the sentence has the force of a request:
- I wonder if you could give me two dollars for the bus ride home?
Exclamatory elements
Occasionally a question will incorporate an exclamatory element. The writer must then decide whether the interrogative or the exclamatory element is to be given greater prominence:
- What hath God wrought!
- How many times must I tell you?
Uncertain or missing information
A question mark in parentheses (italicized in square brackets in quoted material) is inserted after information about which the writer is uncertain:
- The explorer William Kennedy, a strong advocate of the annexation of Rupert’s Land to Canada, was born at Cumberland House (?), Rupert’s Land, on April 26, 1814.
Indicate missing digits with a question mark:
- Henri Potvin (1615–165?)
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