Montréal, Montréaler, Montrealer


Ce contenu est offert en anglais seulement.

According to the Geographical Names Board of Canada, the names of virtually all Canadian cities and towns have only one official form. Thus, Montréal is spelled with an accented é in both English and French.

  • McGill University extends over many blocks of downtown Montréal.
  • Some of Montréal’s potholes are very large!

However, when the official spelling for an institution or corporation omits the accent, that usage should be respected.

  • The Bank of Montreal now has its headquarters in Toronto, not Montréal.

A native or resident of the city is called a Montrealer or occasionally a Montréaler. And, while the demonym Montrealer is encountered in newspapers and magazines, it is often replaced in more formal writing by native, resident or inhabitant of Montréal, or some similar phrase.

  • Montrealers (or Residents of Montréal) are justly proud of their city’s history.

It should be noted that Montréal and Montreal are commonly used as modifiers, while Montrealer is not.

  • Mordecai Richler was a Montréal writer (or a Montrealer) known around the world.

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